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  1. Did your problem resolved ? I have similar issue in generating PDF and CSV in 2 different threads but the XML data loaded in memory is same for both threads.
  2. Hi, I have a custom xml datasource based on STX XPATH processing. Need to understand why the dataSource(String selectExpression) method is not called on my datasource. DataSource expression in Main report is: <dataSourceExpression><!CDATA[((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).dataSource("Invoice/InvoiceLine")]]</dataSourceExpression>
  3. Hi, I have a report running in production environment, and I see its running into infinite loops. I have set the above timeout parameters, but the report doesn't seem to be timing out. Could you please suggest why these infinite loops cause the timeout values to not to aply during report fill process.
  4. I have a report running in production environment, and its working fine for other reports than one. I think it could be running into infinite loop due to data overflowing. Even though I have set the Governor timeout with the following settings in the JasperReport object, I see that the report is not timing out after the specified the value. I want to know is there a way to make the report timeout by adding few more parameters to the JasperReport object. jasperReport.setProperty(TimeoutGovernor.PROPERTY_TIMEOUT_ENABLED, "true") jasperReport.setProperty(TimeoutGovernor.PROPERTY_TIMEOUT, timeOut);
  5. Hi Is there a way to generate PDF/CSV reports from REST calls without using JasperReports Server. Basically I just want to use Jasper Reports library to generate the report using REST calls. If Yes, please point me to an appropriate example in java. Thanks, Ravi Gharshi
  6. After generating a PDF file from XML file input I could see that the size of the swap is 5 MB, where in the actual size of the PDF report was only 400 KB. Are there any changes been done to jasper reports to reduce the size of the swap file. I am using version 3.7.4 of Jasper reports.
  7. what is the maximum number of threads supported for Jasper Report for running the main report.
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