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  1. You are right... all fine with my customizers... one of the images was just too big (i think...). In case i add this image i get a Repository file resource /reports/ISC_FB_Demos/SellwerkTest_6_files/Sellwerk_quer_mit-slogan.png could not be loadedmessage. But there is still a problem with the Chart Theme. In case i add this to the report i get the "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.jaspersoft.studio.jasper.CachedImageProvider" error. Do you have any idea what went wrong ?? The Chart Theme is designed in Jasperstudio 6.0.1.
  2. hi hoawa, first of all thx for reply.... yes i do have 3 Images in the report. They are added to resources during the export to server: In Jasperstudio Workspace the png-files are located in the project folder. I can also see them as a resource on Jasper Server: Is there anything else i have to take care about exporting images to server ??
  3. hi everybody.... I tried to get my chart customizer and chart theme .jar files from jasper studio 6.0.1 (running on win7) to jasperserver 6.0.1 (running on ubuntu 12.04.5). I tried to upload from server side as a resource for a single report and i got a classnotfound excepition. I tried to place the jar-files in jasperserver lib ( <jasperhome>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib/ )and restarted Tomcat, i got a class not found exception. I placed the jar-files in <jasperhome>/apache-tomcat/lib restarted and i got a classnotfound exception... net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException: com.jaspersoft.studio.jasper.CachedImageProvider{File: [not available]; line: 2; column: 438}........Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.jaspersoft.studio.jasper.CachedImageProvider..... I am kind of lost atm.... is it possible to use customizers and themes in community edition on jasperserver or is something wrong with my jar-file ??? I tried both implementing JRChartCustomizer and extending JRAbstractChartCustomizer in the customizer class file but it does not seem to make a difference. i use the following libs to export my customizer classes to a jar-file (libs are copied from jasperserver 6.0.1) : Customizer Sample: Jasperreports folder on Ubuntu: It would be nice if someone can help me out of this.... Kind regards Roland
  4. I found another solution for this: Clue is to create a NEW date axis and after this you can set it as domain axis...
  5. hi lucianc, i tried zour customiyer on my bubble chart. basically it works but i get output i dont understand. the data i get from database looks like this: For domain axis i use the long-value of the timestamp (xaxis). in case i run the report i get only one (wrong) date displayed repatedly on domain-axis: is the dataset causing the problem because values between the timestamps are missing ?? maybe you or anybody else can help me with this because i have no clue whats going wrong...
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