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Everything posted by waterloo34.sw

  1. problem is fixed, it was just a wrong error message key 0 was not duplicated but it was an empty space in one of the xml nodes
  2. hi guys, i have an ireport 5.5.0 report, which has a xml file as datasource and uses xpath 2 as language. Now i tried to upgrade to jaspersoft studio 6.1.0 and noticed that jasper studio doesn't support xpath 2 anymore. I also tried using xpath but i always get an error message. My question is if there is any possibility to add xpath2 to jasper studio. Cheers in advance
  3. Hi there, i am using jaspersoft studio 6.1.0 usually it should compile my jrxml files and generate a .jasper file. Now when i click on preview i get an error message net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Resource not found at: xyz.jasper. First i thought i might have inserted the wrong path but when i compile them one by one it works perfectly. I hope anyone can help me because i am at a dead end here. Thanks in advance
  4. Hi, i just started using Jaspersoft Studio. Now i want to edit my old (v5.5.0) Reports. In one of the Reports i have three subreports and there is one pie chart in every subreport. I am using a XML-File as Datasource. But if i want to preview my report, i get the error:" net.sf.jasperrepors.engine.JRRuntimeException: Key 0 is duplicated in pie dataset." How can i fix this? Or to get started a little easier, what is Key 0?
  5. Hi there guys, I have a main report, with loads of subreports and supreports within subreports. I get numbers from a xml file. These numbers need to be int the following form 1,000.00 for one thousand so i need a seperator for the 1000 and a decimal dot. It is supposed to change the place of the 1000 seperator and the decimal dot depending on the language the report will be shown in. I already set the field i am using to print the number to double and gave the field a pattern ("#,##0.00"). If i compile it now a 3,14 will be shown as 314.00 for example but no error occures. I tried it a long time now so please help me!
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