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Everything posted by kleber_3

  1. Hello good afternoon all right , I'm a developer and I am developing a report "Agreement" where it is formatted in html , ai decided to use the htmlcomponente component ireport I saw several posts saying it's not very good to use that component , only doing some tests I arrived at the conclusion that I did not see the component behaving in reports of two pages, the question I have is this. 1 - This component allows you to generate two pages dynamically ? 2 - How to count the lines of this component? Because managing to do this, to give a validation and put the contents in another band . grateful
  2. Hello all right, good afternoon , I am finding the same problem, I have done a bit of everything to generate a PDF with HTMLComponent component dynamically and with more than one page , really friends , this is possible or impossible ? I have not seen anywhere or post to do that . Hug to everyone.
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