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Everything posted by benkdishman

  1. Hi, Apologies I haven't done much investigation on this myself yet but am asking in the hope of saving some 'thrashing about' time... I have some forms which I export to docx format (eclipse plugin 6.0.3, jar 6.1.0). The form is 5 pages long with text fields and 'tables all over. At the moment the tabbing in docx is completely messy as I haven't paid any attrention to this aspect. I've had feedback that they would like to be able to tab through the editable fields, which seems reasonable. This leads me to need to look at 2 aspects of the docx export 1) locking down / disabling fields, text and images in Word which are not for user edit 2) On brief inspection the report is exported as one big table. This includes columns for some white spaces and formatting. I need to take these of the tab order as well. Obviously I'm not hoping for a complete solution but I just wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction for the best approach to this (assuming it is possible) ? Ben.
  2. What verion are you using ? I had this problem in 6.0.0 but it has gone away when I upgraded to 6.1.0.
  3. This probably was fixed in 6.0.3. I've realised I didn't update the POM in my application itself. I've just updated it to 6.1.0 and all is well.http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embaressed_smile.gif
  4. Hi, Looking at previous questions I think this is a duplicate question but I am exporting a report with 'tables' to rtf format and this is being exported as a group of text fields not a table. I believe there is no functionality to export as a table (in Word) and the only option I have is to use a 3rd party product like apose. Is this true or has this feature been added recently? Thanks, Ben.
  5. Hi, I'm using Jaspersoft Studion 6.0.3 in Eclipse Luna and I seem to still get a margin problem when exporting to docx (but not odt) ? Should I be setting a config property on export? Essentially if I export this directly from the preview view to docx it works okay, I can print with no warnings but as soon as I export through code (very basic code JRDocxExporter docxExporter=new JRDocxExporter(); docxExporter.setExporterInput(new SimpleExporterInput(jasperPrint)); docxExporter.setExporterOutput(new SimpleOutputStreamExporterOutput(subReportPathName)); docxExporter.exportReport(); ) It produces margins of 0, 0 , 0 , 0 in the docx and thus a print warning. My margins are currently 20 top, left and right and 38 bottom (this was needed to get it working in preview mode) Could really use some guidance if there is a way to fix this error as I 'fixed the issue' in the designer and I've only just noticed it still happens in code? Thanks, Ben.
  6. I have reports which I am exporting to ODT. They print nicely from Open Office. When I print them from Word 2010 I get a margin warning (1 for each detail setion in the report) "The margins of section x are set outside the printable area of the page." I have realised now that I get this even if I create a new A4 report, export the fresh blank to ODT and print from word. My reports do actually print nicely but I would like to get rid of the warning messages. Is this possible ? Thanks, Ben.
  7. Hi, I'm probably approachiung this the way but I've created a few reports now (Eclipse plugin) which I am exporting variously to pdf, docx and odt. I've noticed that where I create a table using a set of text boxes with solid borders (the only way I have found) I get lines of double thickness if I leave borders overlapping, even if I position them on top of each other. So far no problem as I have been configuring the borders to not overlap (i.e. where 2 texty boxes overlap I leave one of the borders as transparant). I've realised one of my sub reports is just a repeating box in the detail section though so I can't do this here or the bottom or top would be missing. I'm assuming this must come up a lot ? Is there a way around this ? Apologies if this isn't clear. Please let me know if not. Thanks, Ben.
  8. Hi, I have some 4 or 5 page reports. When I export them to pdf they are the correct length. When I export the to ODT format I get a blank page added on at the end, presumably not part of the report as it has no footer & the 5 page report (6 with the blank page) is still reporting "page X of 5". Any ideas of how to lose the blank page ? Thanks,
  9. Not quite sure I understand where I would put the java code for the formatting (in the expression editor, or would I have to do that bit in Java code and pass it through ?). I guess this is a moot point though as your simple solution works fine (apologies I hadn't noticed this section in the editor, I'm still very new to Jasper). Thanks again.
  10. I have made a very simple jrxml template which is essentially a picture and 2 fields in the header and a list of data in the detail. I export the report to pdf and odt using java code. I have just started with this and have done the simplest one as a proof of concept. So far so good. When I export to pdf it exports exactly as required and as it looks in jaspersoft studio (6.0.3). When I export to odt I have grid lines all over the place making it look messy. These lines aren't in the report and there seem to be more lines than fields. I've set the borders of the data fields to white but I'm guessing there are lines for all the page sections and some kind of dummy columns. I can't see any border properties for these sections ? Is there a way to set all borders to blank for the odt export ? Thanks.
  11. I have a report (javabean collection datasource) which uses a date function - DATEFORMAT($F{meetingDate},"EEEE dd MMMM yyyy"). The report runs fine in eclipse and if I remove the function it runs properly through java. With the function I get the following errors though net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:1. The method DATEFORMAT(Date, String) is undefined for the type Product_1428678178249_632342 value = DATEFORMAT(((java.util.Date)field_productDate.getValue()),"EEEE dd MMMM yyyy"); //$JR_EXPR_ID=10$ <-------->2. The method DATEFORMAT(Date, String) is undefined for the type Product_1428678178249_632342 value = DATEFORMAT(((java.util.Date)field_productDate.getOldValue()),"EEEE dd MMMM yyyy"); //$JR_EXPR_ID=10$ <-------->3. The method DATEFORMAT(Date, String) is undefined for the type Product_1428678178249_632342 value = DATEFORMAT(((java.util.Date)field_productDate.getValue()),"EEEE dd MMMM yyyy"); //$JR_EXPR_ID=10$ <-------->3 errorsAfter searching I have tried 1) dwonloading and adding jasperreports-functions-6.0.0.jar to the build pah 2) alterring the POM to include commons-lang-2.6.jar and excluding it from the Jasper dependency (see below). this hasn't made any difference. Can anyone help ? <dependency><groupId>net.sf.jasperreports</groupId><artifactId>jasperreports</artifactId><version>6.0.0</version><exclusions><exclusion><artifactId>commons-lang</artifactId><groupId>commons-lang</groupId></exclusion></exclusions></dependency><dependency><groupId>commons-lang</groupId><artifactId>commons-lang</artifactId><version>2.6</version></dependency>
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