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Everything posted by slis

  1. quite sure you need to create a group based on your id field, then use variable PAGE_NUMBER in one textbox , set evaluation time to now and another variable PAGE_NUMBER in a another textbox and set evaluation time to report. It should work
  2. Any reason why jasper report would not work on jasperserver once i add more than 10 input controls(parameters)? It displays "You must input values before the report can be generated" even thought all values are supplied. It works fine in my jaspersoft studio. any advice is appreciated . thanks
  3. Thank you for your reply, i have made sure we are using the same version. I noticed that as soon as I change 1 of the param in jasperstudio to class of java.util.Time i receive the same error so I decide to leave it as java.lang.String for now.
  4. i have uploaded this report successfully in the past but now receive the following error message...java.lang.exception: the server has returned an error with code 1 but without any message, Any suggestions, thank you
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