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Everything posted by florina.balint

  1. Thank you for your answer.I succeed to solve my problem using the answer that i found here : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27404668/jasper-report-only-print-group-header-when-at-least-one-detail-fits-on-page
  2. In my subreport I have Page Header and Detail bands.I want that information that is here to repeat in my main report.The problem is that if i don't have enough space on main report page it print only the header and on the next page it prints header+details informations as I want. What can I do so that if I don't have enough space for at least one row of information from detail band to not display the header? I'm not sure if you understand my problem. Can you help me?
  3. Hello, I have a problem on subreport. I want that my Page Header to repeat on each page so I set the elements on it with property Print Repeated Values. The problem is that if i don't have enough space on page it display only the header without any informations from detail (The problem is that in this case I want to print the header on a new page) and on the next page it display header with informations from detail as it should and as i want. So can anyone help me to solve this problem?
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