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  1. Trying to figure out how to highlight Min value from column in Jasper table component. Col1Col2121417239121111I declared a variable with Increment type : None, Reset type : Report. And Calculation as Lowest of the field. Added conditionalStyle/conditionExpression to compare the field with that variable. however getting output like below. col1Col2121417239121111Basically the Minvariable is assigned the value at each record level increment.. and comparison is done with that. However I'm looking for the comparison to be done only after the Min value is determined. The field is marked with Evalution type as Auto to facilitate the evalution at last. Any pointer on this is appreciated. This seems to be a very basic question. thank you
  2. I have a simple crosstab report as below. And I need the count of non-zero measure. i.e. if any Account has non-zero value, it is counted as 1. and counts across row are printed in the last column. Account1Account2Account3NonZero Value Count2012320452201312161132014001111120150000 I'm trying to add variables, measures however unable to figure out. Please share any thought on how this can be achived in jasper report without using any java code.. i.e. purely in JRXML.
  3. Dear all, Any inputs on same? May be some working example will help
  4. Hi, I’ve going through lot of posts to make export to excel in multi tab working on JasperReportsServer. I’ve 3 sub reports which are needed to be exported in separate tabs in excel. Tried various approaches as below added following properties in jrxml in line element in each subreport. The set up works without any issues in Jaspersoft Studio i.e. development environment. However when I put the report to JasperReportsServer, I get the exported excel in one tab only. net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.after.row also tried setting following property net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet thirdly, Have also set on JasperServer, in WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties, # report exporter hints override export parameters net.sf.jasperreports.export.parameters.override.report.hints=false Not sure if I need to update anything in the export parameters (parameters to the exporter classes) defined in WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml There are numerous posts suggesting fix however I could not get this working. Would be great if any pointers on same are provided. Thank you in advance...
  5. I have been trying to come up with a simple solution to the problem below.Given the input parameters, the query returns result which needs to be kind of transposed and displayed in jasper report.Would be great to get some pointers on same. Input params: Comma separated list of Accounts eg. A,B,CQuery OutputAcc1Acc2Percent_Acc1_acc2AA100%AB40%AC30%BA20%BB100%BC45%CA33%CB12%CC100% Desired Jasper report OutputAcc1ABCA100%40%30%B20%100%45%C33%12%100% The account list is dynamic i.e. can be more than 3. Hence the columns will increase as well as the number of rows. I am trying to put based on following approaches.. however not getting a starting point. 1) preprocessing to be done before printing the results. A variable like ArrayList or Array of integers containing all the elements.. eg. 9 elements in above case. Then while iterating thr the elements, their positions can be derived and placed in another variable set. (May be object) And final iteration of new variable will be the report printed. 2) putting scriptlet which will run the query and format the results. 3) Generate the excel first and then apply macro to result. Unfortunately this is not allowed by users. Any guidance on the approach is appreciated.
  6. Hi, I'm relatively new in jasper report development. Trying to figure out how to define the input control date parameter, The input control date is a drop down of quarter ends from 2001 to 2014 with default value as 03/31/2001 (i.e. 1st quarter end of 2001).I'm trying to come up with a query to select date from dual. However not sure how this can be done with expression or something else. Greatly appreciate any pointers. the report will work with jasperserver-pro and no custom web application is designed for the report.
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