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Everything posted by ll.rodrigo

  1. Does anyone knows how to draw a border around the chart on IReport? Like in the aegean theme? Without using padding and borders?
  2. I have some charts, now i need to create one that have the 5 atributes that have more records on the database. I have no idea, for now, of how to do it but send the parameters from the JFrame. But i think it must have a better way of doing that in the report itself. Can someone help?Thanks
  3. Hi, have you solved the problem?If yes, how did you do that?
  4. Hi, i have some charts and need to create one that is able to compare the same fields in different dates( months and years). My date_field is a string. For a chart that gives me all the expenses between two dates i use : where STR_TO_DATE(date_field,'%d-%m-%Y') BETWEEN $P{DATE_ONE} AND $P{DATE_TWO}. Now i need to show it in two or more categories, each one will show values that belongs to a year. Does someone have an idea or example, tutorials?
  5. Hi, i have some charts and reports, now i need to do a line chart that display the sum of sales by each year and product. I send to report initial date and final date to do them. I already have the sum and the products. I want somethig like : 2013 - gloves, shorts, shirts, 2014 - gloves, shorts, shirts. Any help would be great, thanks!
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