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Posts posted by macaxrc

  1. Hello! I need help.

    I'm working in jasperserver 6.1 and I have a problem in a table using jasperserver adhoc. 

    I have 1 column and in every row I have a custome mesura like this MAX("Value"), I want the max value in every row but I want the total value in the end of the column, it's  a summary.

    The problem is that the result of the summary is the MAX value of all rows.

    How I do to calculate the MAX value for every row in this columna and then calculate the SUM in the summary for all of this MAX values?

    Thank you very mach!

  2. Hi everybody! I'm try to make a HTML 5 bubble chart using JasperStudio 5.5 and publish in JasperServer 5.5 but when I run the report I get an error:

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Unsuported dataset TYPE Unsuported .

    This error is for the diferents versions? The normal bubble chart run perfectly but the html bubble no.

    Can someone help me?




  3. Surely not, but I would like that uses the font that I use in the report. I underserted that when the report is genereted the font type used is the client. There is a way for everyone will come out the same font type? Becouse when I export the report the font type is correctly I don't underseted why is diferent only when I execute the report.

    Any solution?

    Thanks and sorry for my English


  4. Hi Everybody!

    I make a Report using jaseperserver and jasperstudio 5.5 with DIN font family. When I try to execute the report all is correctly, the font family is the same (DIN). But I have a problem when I execute the report using other pc client, when I'm try this the font change with other, but when I export to PDF, xlx, docs ... is correctly DIN. 

    When I can to solve this problem? I' m try to follow this steps 


    But the report dosn't work.

    Please I need help.



  5. Hi! Yes, this exemple run perfectly, but I don't find the stored image data. Is possible to see the data?

    I think that is possible that my image is stored in diferent codification that java.io not able to read.

    How you stored the image in MySql Data base?



  6. Hi Everybody,

    I'm need help again. I need to change in diferents type charts, bar, line and scatter:

    1- Font type in the labels and format number

    2- Delete de horizontal and vertical grid

    There are somewhere where all these properties appear ?

    I'm use jasper studio 5.5


  7. Hi, I have a problem when load a blob image stored in a MySql data base.

    I'm try to do this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15833031/jaspersoft-studio-report-how-to-insert-images-from-database but not works.

    I have a fileld ${image_blob} type java.io.InputStream and in a table put and image and in the expresion select this field. 

    When I execute the report show the second error:

    net.sf.jasperreportengine.JRException: Image Read failed at 


    Can I help me?



  8. Hi, I hav a report make with Jasper Studio 5.5. In the report has 5 tables and I need to change the style to have a good desing. To do that I need to change diferents properties like heder column color, the lines of the table and diferents. 

    To do that I selected the table element and push right button of the mouse and select "change table style" but this doesn't works. 

    Can I help me? Someone can pass me the xml configuration? Is posible do this with external css file?


  9. Hi everybody,

    I'm need help to control the next. I have a report with jasper server studio 5.5 and I have 2 input_controls, the report show when 1 of them are selected. 

    What have I do to control them? One way to control  this is in the query put in all cases if(${input_one} is not null and (${input_two} is null , "do the conditionA" ,"ignore"), if(${input_two} is not null and (${input_one} is null , "do the conditionB" ,"ignore"). But I think that this is a bad idea to do becouse if I need to add more input_control I put the same condition for every one.

    Is there any way of telling if not selected one does not consider that condition in the where?


    Sorry for my English

  10. Hi guys!

    I'm need more help, I use Japser Studio 5.5 and in my report I use 2 input controls in each chart and query. In each query I put the following condition 

    AND   date(post_created_at) >= $P{input_semana} 
    AND  date(post_created_at) <= ADDDATE($P{input_semana},6-WEEKDAY($P{input_semana})) 
    As I said, I'm using two parametres input_semana is the first one and the second one is input_mes, the problem of this is that if I don't select input_semana the report it's blank becouse the conditions is this 

    AND   date(post_created_at) >= null

    AND  date(post_created_at) <= ADDDATE(null,6-WEEKDAY(null)) .

    Jaseper Studio has a easy form to solve this? I need that this query  conditions only have effect when the input_control is selected.

    This is possible?


  11. Hi everybody,

    I have a question.

    When I need to use some property of any chart In jasper studio, I don't know in what Web Page find this property.

    I know that JaseperStudio use Api High Chart but in the Hight Chart web only have Json and Jacascript properties.

    Where I find XML properties of all charts with JasperStudio? For exemple, load imagen with resorces, add extralavels etc.


  12. Hi every body,


    I'm use JasperStudio 5.5 and need calculate subgrups in a table.

    I know that this is possible using field and detail band.

    But I dont' know that this is possible in table component.

    I have the follow query and result

    Select a,b,mesure
    from table

    group by a,b


    the result is this 


    A--- C--- mesure



    I'm need to calculate the subtotatals of A like this


    A--- C--- mesure

    TOTAL---""--total mesure A


    TOTAL---""--total mesure B

    Can you help me?




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