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Everything posted by vimal.thms

  1. I did some study on drill down. There one report is called from another. I have only one report and it is not a big one. So I don't want a second report or subreport. Is there a way to use input control in ViewReport.jsp? Or some other way to inform ViewReport.jsp that I don't want back and refresh buttons for some selected screens.
  2. I am using jasper reports server 6.0.1. In a particular report, I want to hide back and refresh buttons. Got some information about it from the posts http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/800674/back-button-without-decorate and http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/remove-back-button-using-custom-parameter-url Now my question is how to pass a custom parameter to ViewReport.jsp. In the link above, the report URL is invoked externally and user can add any custom parameter. My report is inside jasper reports server. How can I pass an additional parameter to JSP file? Can I do it with input controls in report? Or is there any other way?
  3. In a particular folder, I have no report to show. However there are some sub folders inside that. When I click the first folder, it shows the text "There are no resources in this folder". I just want to show a custom text like "Expand current selection and click on the subfolders to view reports ". I can add an input control to show a text, but that comes at top and in tabular form with Name, Description, Type, etc. I am using Jasper reports server 6.0.1 community edition.
  4. As @ernestoo has suggested, I used scriptlet in ireport and used my custom class to process it.
  5. I am using postgresql database and we have a parameter which has type bytea. I know that it is a 64 byte (512 bit) data. I have to display all bit positions which is set (to 1). Also display "None" if no bit is set. Is it possible in ireport designer? I am new to ireport.
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