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Posts posted by beekerc69

  1. have a complex report that needs modification, however there will be an interactive review and testing process which means the original version has to remain in place and the new version has to live in parallel for users to access.  it also has to be tested against PROD data so my thought is to simply clone it and work on the copy and when all is said and done, point the parent application at the new report's URL.  

    in Jaspersoft Studio i can copy/paste, import/export the report so i'll the working copy and the new version.  but that means having to re-import all of the Resources and rebuild the Input Controls (and there are lot of them).  

    is there a way to clone the report, and give it a new name and ensure that it is faithfully duplicated in both the Repository (as seen from JS Studio) and in the  Jaspersoft GUI (as seen from the web-browser)?

    step-by-step instructions are always appreciated. 😁


  2. if you put a blatantly false statement in the "Print When Expression" of a sub-report properties page, say like 1 == 0, what exactly doesn't happen when this sub-report is encountered?

    does it completely ignore the sub-report and not try and evaluate the underlying SQL?

    or does it still execute the SQL but just not print anything in the frame?

    here's my scenario.  i have a report with multiple sub-reports.  i want to modify and test each sub-report one by one, but i can't use the preview mode on the individual sub-report (lack of chrome.exe for rendering graphs due to company IT policy), so i have to run it from the host application GUI (in this case Clarity PPM) as the real/full-on report.  in addition I'm having to change several report parameters from single to multi-select which means massive changes to a lot of SQL - going from $P= to $X(IN, - and i don't need JS runtime syntax throwing errors when i've got other things i need to troubleshoot and debug. 

    so my "win" here is confirmation that a "false" value in the "Print When Expression" box means that the sub-report is completely ignored and the SQL is never even looked at by the report engine at run-time.  can this be confirmed?   🤞

    Thanks in advance


  3. thank you shreekrishna, 
    but i think i need the screenshots version.  i'm not fully following what you're saying.

    yes, i have Agility2.jrxml as a subreport on main.jrxml.  
    i have tried multiple means to copy Agility2.jrxml to create Agility3.jrxml so i can edit 3 and then change the subreport expression in main from "repo:Agility2.jrxml" to "repo:Agility3.jrxml".  

    no matter how i try and create Agility3.jrxml, i cannot get it to be visible in the Repository Explorer.  but now it seems to exist but cannot be seen because i tried to simply create an XML file called Agility3.jrxml, but Studio won't let me because "this ID is already used in this folder".  File Save As doesn't work.

    i simply don't understand why i can't get a new sub-report to show up in the repository in the report folder.

  4. not sure i follow your question.  let me add this picture to clarify.

    this is the repository explorer.
    Main.jrxml is my report.
    Agility is a sub-report inserted into Main.
    Agility2 was an updated version
    i want to make a copy of Agility2.jrxml and call it Agility3.jrxml, then modify its SQL code of to update the subreport.
    then in Main.jrxml, i want to take remove Agility2.jrmxl from its given frame and put Agility3.jrxml in its place.
    this way i can still keep the older version (Agility2) in the folder for rollback, even though it's Agility3 that's in the active report output.

    so, how would does one go about duplicating Agility2.jrxml, naming it Agility3.jrxml so it can be modified without making any changes to Agility2.jrxml, but more importantly, make Agility3.jrxml visible in the folder chain?

    copy/paste, Save As and Download to File do not behave in the Repository Explorer as the those same functions do i File Explorer. 

  5. using jaspersoft studio pro 7.9.0

    i'm modifying a sub-report (call it sub_4).  but i want to keep the old version in the repository.  so i want to create a sub_5, make changes then insert that into the main.jrxml file.

    the most obvious answer is to right click on sub_4, select copy, then paste, however, it did exactly that, made a copy of sub_4 (so now there are two) but there's no way (that i can find) to rename the second on sub_5.  File/Rename (f2) doesn't work.  right click doesn't offer "rename" and properties doesn't have a rename option.

    then i tried right-click download to file.  chose the same parent folder and specified the name sub_5.jrxml and clicked okay.  it opened up the in the editor with the tab sub_5.jrxml but there was no corresponding sub-report element in the Repository Explorer, even though i refreshed at every folder level i could find.  
    figured it might some sort of error, so i did the action again - Download to file of sub_4.jrxml, saved to sub_5.jrxml, but this time gave the error that the file already existed, even though i can't see it in the Repository Explorer.  

    what's going on?  why can't see .jrxml's that i've added?

  6. I have a need to copy/move/migrate ad-hoc views from one JasperReports server to another (from a DEV environment to a PROD environment).

    Everything i've found on the internet and in this forum says to use the import/export capablity of the Web UI after logging in as superuser.

    This option is not available to me and will never be available to me, so please do not tell me that i need to get that access as superuser and follow the posted instructions.  it's not going to happen.

    I can only login as an Organization user with ROLE ADMINISTRATOR rights.

    The thing is i was not the original Ad-hoc View author so i don't know how it was built or anything about it (other than i need to copy it), but unlike Reports and other objects, there is no right-click Edit option for Ad-Hoc Views to find out how it's build and how it can be recreated.  

    Can anyone walk me through the steps to look at an Ad-Hoc View to gather what is needed so it can be re-created in on another JasperReports server?
    Please understand that my competenecy is with Jaspersoft Studio reports and not Ad-Hoc View creation, so please make the steps very basic.

    Thanks in advance.

  7. based on the replies and some other research, i've got one more option.


    Select * from 


    with xyz as (select.....)






    in this form, you can still use with/as constructs but it complies with the rule that word SELECT must be first .

    this would be useful when changing the server SQL validation is not an option. 

  8. I'm running Jaspersoft Studio 6.1.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2

    Installed a month ago, it ran fast and rendered previews quickly

    now it can take 10 to 20 seconds between clicking an object and the object box getting highlighted.  clicking or tabbing between property boxes is equally slow and painful.

    in addition, sometimes when i click on an object it doesn't "highlight" with the corner and edge handles, but the object outline glows orange/yellow, but it is not selected. . THis happens a lot.

    I am running the current version of Tomcat 8 and Java 8

    How can i troubleshoot performance?

  9. I'm converting several reports from Crystal to Jaspersoft that have SQL queries that us the With/As clause before the acutal Select statement is encountered.

    While this seems to work in Jaspersoft Studio - meaning i can see the report in Preview mode, it appears that JasperServer doesn't like it.  i get a 6632 error.

    in one case, i was able to move the With/As clause queries down into the From/Join section and make it work, but i know there will be queries where i won't be able to do that.

    is there a way to get JasperServer to work with the With/As clause?

  10. I have written several reports, with subreports.  they run fine in Studio 6.1.0.

    When the report is published, I go into report on the Report Server and point the Input Contols to the Repository Input Controls and Queries and confirm the DataSource.

    but after selecting the Inputs, the first page renders but then i get this error.


    Is there a simple root cause for this error?

    or what is the best way to troubleshoot this?

  11. I am trying to publish a report from Studio 6.1.0 to Jaspersoft Reporting Server 6.1.0.  I have successfullly published before and am needing to update/republish as i continue development.

    Normal progress is to pick the destination location in the Repository, review the identified resources, confirm the DataSource and click Finish.

    now i'm getting an error


    The error Detail text is

    java.lang.Exception: The Server has returned an error with code 1 and with the message could not update: [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoFileResource#5416121]; SQL [update JIResource set version=?, name=?, parent_folder=?, childrenFolder=?, label=?, description=?, resourceType=?, creation_date=?, update_date=? where id=? and version=?]; constraint [sC51622PPMRPTP122S.SYS_C001057672]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not update: [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoFileResource#5416121]
      at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.putReportUnitResource(WSClient.java:617)
      at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.modifyReportUnitResource(WSClient.java:552)
      at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.soap.SoapConnection.addOrModifyResource(SoapConnection.java:266)
      at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.ProxyConnection.addOrModifyResource(ProxyConnection.java:311)
      at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.publish.Publish.publishResources(Publish.java:196)
      at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.publish.Publish.publish(Publish.java:65)
      at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.publish.wizard.Publish2ServerWizard$3.run(Publish2ServerWizard.java:302)
      at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:121)

    Where do i begin to troubleshoot this kind of error.?


  12. Can you use an expression to evaluate data and print a particular image file?

    currently, i have 3 images Red, Yellow and Green (standard grapic stoplights)

    i stack all 3 at the same X & Y position.

    for the red one, i set the Print When Expression  to $F{STATUS} == 3

    for the yellow one, i set the Print When Expression  to $F{STATUS} == 2

    for the green one, i set the Print When Expression  to $F{STATUS} == 1

    but this means placing 3 (or in some status displays, as many as 8) icons.

    I'm hoping there's a way to build an Expression to evaluate one or more dataset fields and have the image resource to be displayed to be determined by the Expression.

    Can this be done? 

  13. Can someone explain the difference in the 5 options you get when you create a new image element in JasperSoft Stuido


    And most specifically, can someone provide examples of how to use the "Custom Expression".

    is the expression used to create the path and name of the image file?  (dynamic selection)


    is the expression used (like a Case statment) to select from a set of hard coded image files (resources)?

    Examples would be great

    Thanks in advance

  14. one thing i've found helpful is to check your parameter definitions against parameter references in the SQL code.

    make sure they are all accounted for. 

    i'm guessing that when you run the SQL query in a SQL tool (toad, SQLdeveloper, etc) you're commenting out the lines with the $P{} parameters since they won't run in P/L SQL, so naturally the query will run fine against the database.  This is what I do.

    I can't say for sure this is the soluution to every instance of this error, but as a troubleshooting step it works well for me.

  15. ntlong,

    i think the above is a dead link.

    i'm curious to know if there is a soluton for a) dynamic element sizing, and b) dynamic element positioning in JS.

    you can do it easily iin Crystal and it's incredibly useful.  i'm surprised that Js doesn't have it as a standard feature.

    please let me know if you've found an answer.

  16. In Crystal Reports you have the option of putting in hard coded values for x-pos, y-pos, height and width of an object, or you can enter an expression to calculate some or all of those values for an object at report print time, giving the report the abilty to dynamically position and/or size an object when the report runs.

    In Jaspersoft, you can only enter a hard coded value for these parameters.

    I need to find a way that Jaspersoft Studio can apply an expression/calculation to x-pos, y-pos, height and/or width

    Does anyone know how?"

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