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Everything posted by nuno-miguel-lourenco

  1. Hi all, I'm trying to add a new exporter to the jasper reports server so taht I'm able to return the XML of the data only. My base of work is this work from LadyJ. I'm trying to export in XML only the data contained whitin the dataset of the report (the main dataset). But I can't find a way to reach the resultset so that I can create the desired content output! Does anyone tried it, or knwon the workaround this? Help is grealty appreciated! Cheers, Nuno L.
  2. You need to push that image into JasperReports Server and reference it in your report as a repository resource from the server.
  3. Hi, i've created an XML file with your content. Then created a new Data Adapter - XML Document, that points to the XML file with your content. Here what is important to note is to choose the option: Use the report Xpath expression when filling the report​ ​Afterwards, at the Report's dataset expression just choose everything within the document Then created a new Dataset and selected only the data needed (in this case all the "customer" data) With this new dataset i've added a table component to the report and assigned the newly created dataset to it. I've added a new Variable to the newly created dataset with the name Sum_Amount with the following expression: new java.math.BigDecimal($F{amount}), and the Calculation option as Sum. So, defined the dataset run of the table with the dataset as the next image shows. (Here I choose the Don't use any connection or Data Source option) So if we ran this: Cheers
  4. ozlemkocak_1903 despite of the ability to put it working, which is GREAT, pay attention when deploying to production (if you have it), so that you have the ability to push your work ;) Cheers and again nice work!
  5. Sorry but the path you refence is: /Bericht/VertriebAllgemein/Auftragseingang But the path you point out on the image is: /Bericht/AV/AUFTRAGSEINGANG So the path MUST be the one referenced on: Pfad
  6. That's TRUE! but is not in the query string you must define that. It is as an HTTP Header. Content-type: application/xml HTTP Header is different from the query string
  7. You have the answer on the exception trace: A message body reader for Java class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.dto.authority.ClientUser, and Java type class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.dto.authority.ClientUser, and MIME media type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 was not found. The registered message body readers compatible with the MIME media type are: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 -> You must make a request with an appropriate HTTP Header - Content-type despite of the REST service you're invokingMIME type text/plain is not a viable one. It should be:application/xmlapplication/json
  8. Java Options and JasperServer License Detailshttps://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-source-build-guide/v60/java-options-and-jasperserver On the supported JVM you'll see that JDK 1.8 is not referenced (https://www.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/Jaspersoft%20Platform%20Support%20V6.0.pdf). If I'm not mistaken the class files generated by JDK 1.8 use the v.52 of the format... Good luck with your trials to put it working. If you find a solution post it here ;)
  9. JDK 1.8 is a break with the previous versions. Tomcat 7 is not "prepared" to the new version of the JDK. Even the Tomcat 8 is not fully featured... You shouldn't do that. The only way to solve it is by the fallback to 1.6 or 1.7...
  10. In fact I've had several of those... I remember that one of the times was the configuration of the chart dataset run! What is this you ask? If you expand the chart you'll notice the dataset definition below (on the tree). Now go to the Dataset properties window and correctly select the proper "Dataset Run" configuration there!
  11. You really need to look carefully to what is your dataset resultset and what are you passing in to the pie chart. I've been there and in my case was a reference to a dataset field that was null.
  12. I do not understand German... But what you need to do to get it to work is: http://:/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/?j_username=&j_password=& And that's all!
  13. Sure. You just need to something like the following: new java.text.DecimalFormat("#0.00").format()
  14. http://jaspersrv:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/Bericht/VertriebAllgemein/Kundenmuster?j_username=username&j_password=password&P_KundenmusterKunde=Test
  15. As you are referencing a Variable, I would say that $V{UnitPrice} is NULL, and therefore your final result is also NULL
  16. Why are you adding the HTTP Headers Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded? Try the following on the browser: http://jasperserver/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/reports/public/Samples/Reports/11g.SalesByMonthReport.pdf?RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT=PDF%j_username=jasperid&j_password=jasperpwd You'll notice that, if the credentials are corrected, and the path to the report is correct, you can invoke without any need for that HTTP Header
  17. Hi Massimo, Regarding your feelings towards the caps lock text, let me just say that I do not see any problem as you did. Despite of netiquette, has you mentioned, if you read the message, nothing has to do with the interlocutor (don't take it personally), but with the issue at hands. Returning to the issue, let me also point out that having the "MyReports" issue solved is a blessing. Thank you. Nuno Lourenço
  18. Changed Priority from Normal to Urgent Changed Severity from Minor to Critical Changed Resolution from Works as Designed to Reopened Changed Status from Resolved to Feedback Requested OH MY GOD!!!If this is not a BUG is a LIKED FEATURE!!!How can this is be a feature???If you have dozens of source controlled projects with Jasper Reports, this is, and with all due respect, stupid!Having to delete ALWAYS the same annoying directory, just because!!! Come on!!I would LOVE as Frederic to have this be delft in the manner it is supposed.NOT A FEATURE!Let the developer choose if it wants it or not.Thank you.Nuno Lourenço
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