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  1. Saw in this answer that it wasn't possible in 4.7: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/802872/how-can-i-force-particular-theme-url Wondering if this has been updated. We'd like to be able to create an alternate theme *once* and in the public folder, and allow users in orgs to access via URL param. Looks like the only way is to either set theme as global from root, or duplicate the theme in all of our tenants themes folders. Both are not ideal.
  2. It happened that all I had to do was make an addition to etc/hosts with an entry for ' jasper'.
  3. I restarted Jasperserver CP 6.01, and now Tomcat is unable to start the application. Think it has to do with ehcache? Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.hibernate.cache.CacheException: net.sf.ehcache.CacheException: Unable to create CacheManagerPeerListener. Initial cause was jasper: jasper: Name or service not known I'm thinking this is the first time this particular Jasper instance has been restarted. Any ideas?
  4. I'm finding some weird random un-wanted behavior when I attempt to edit a report locally. Upon saving back to the server one of three things happens randomly: 1. The Main.JRXML is saved only. This is what I want. 2. I get a dialog and a box to select resources to upload. For an image it will create a whole new expression to reference the NEW location Studio wants to stick the single image. This sucks because I have just written an expression pointing that image to where it actually lives and it takes a parameter etc. I can at least make sure the expression is changed BACK to what I had it at design time before deploying. 3. The image file is automatically saved to the repo and my image expression is completely overwritten to reference the new location. This sucks the MOST since it is essentially overwriting my work. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? It seems random. If there is a way to dictate the publish process I'd like to know. THANKS!
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