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Everything posted by mansi.acharya

  1. Hi. I had a domain on JasperSoft Server and using the domain, I created an ad-hoc view. I used this view to generate a heat map report. I have added properties under Advanced Chart Format options for displaying the data labels in the field measures of cross-tab. The view looks like below : Each value can be seen here. This is how it is seen in the view but when we export it as excel/pdf or any pther format, we are unable to see certain values though the values are present. After export, the report looks like below : What should I do to get to display all my values after export? Kindly help me out.
  2. Hello all. I am creating an ad-hoc view from Jaspersoft server. I have selected fields from a domain and now I am trying to create a calculated field from the ad-hoc view. My calculation requires dividing a field value by 86400 and i want the exact decimal value. But when I display it as columns, it always rounds off to 2 digits. I do not want to round it off. Below is the screenshot of how I add the calculated field. The Summary Calculation is set to none. Why does it give the only limited data formats? I need more decimal values. Kindly help.
  3. Hello. I had downloaded the TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio Professional 6.2.0. It was a one month free trail. Now my license is about to expire in 10 days. The tool itself gives this link : http://jaspersoft.com/jrprolicense But this link does not specify from where can I buy the licensed version. Can someone kindly help me out ? My License type is :- Evaluation and Product Name is :- JRPro
  4. Thank you butlerc but will that not affect the existing users created whihc use the role - ROLE_USER, for example - CaliforniaUser, demo, joeuser Also, I need to restrict showing the home page as sown in the image, how can I do that?
  5. Hello. I have created a new user and role - testUser and TEST_ROLE respectively. The "testUser" has been assigned "ROLE_USER" and "TEST_ROLE" as its roles. Now when I login with "testUser", it shows me all the folders under /repository/root/ but in readonly mode (as is the properties of ROLE_USER). But I want that this new user should access only a single domain, view and report. He should be able to create reports/views using only one domain. Everything else should be hidden. All other folders under root/ i.e. Data Sources, Public, Temp, Themes, etc and the Home page as shown int the below image should be hidden. How do I move ahead with this? Kindly help out.
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