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Everything posted by ernst_2

  1. Hi, why is there a break in the version compatibility lists of the designers? I am searching for version 5.6.1 but there is only …5.5.2, 6.0.0… Is there a documentation of the JRXML version compatibility?
  2. Is there something like an "Expression Class" in this version?
  3. Hi lbendall, you could use a TextField with some sourcecode to split the string, like this: <textField> <reportElement x="26" y="8" width="100" height="20"/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{name} != null && $F{name}.contains(":") && $F{name}.length() > 1 ? $F{name}.split(":")[0] : ""]]></textFieldExpression></textField>[/code]or with substring: <textField> <reportElement x="26" y="8" width="100" height="20"/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{name} != null && $F{name}.contains(":") && $F{name}.length() > 1 ? $F{name}.substring(0, $F{name}.indexOf(":")) : ""]]></textFieldExpression></textField>[/code]
  4. Hi sama.vallyball, maybe it helps to set the JDK-Home-Path in the iReport-Config "<path>iReport-5.6.0etcireport.conf"-File, like jdkhome="C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.7.0_75". And I don't think it is possible to integrate the application into intellij.
  5. Hi, I am using my own 'ParametersForm.jsp' for the report input controls. The path is set to 'modules/inputControls/myParametersForm.jsp' and it's working, but the scheduler parameter page doesn't use the custom jsp. The page always loads the 'DefaultParametersForm.jsp'. My question is: What can I do, to load the custom jsp (on the parameter page) instead of the default file? I don't want to edit the 'DefaultParametersForm.jsp', because the contained script should not be used for all reports.
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