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Everything posted by mpiaser

  1. I had a similar problem. I ended up using 4.1.2 as it worked for me.
  2. The following printwhenexpression works new Boolean(Double.valueOf($F{push_talk_direct_connect_minutes})!=0 && new Boolean(!$F{push_talk_direct_connect_minutes}.trim().equals(""))) Except if one of the cells has a value of zero, it prints as a blank. If all cells have a value of zero, the column is correctly removed.
  3. I am able to get a column ignored when it has no value using new Boolean($F{off_peak_free_minutes}.trim().equals("")==false) Now I need to do ignore a column that has a value of ZERO. I can't get the syntax right - for example, even something as simple as new Boolean(1==2) shows the 1 and 2 with a red underline.
  4. I'm struggling with the syntax. I've tried a simple: new Boolean(2 == 1) but the 2 and 1 have red underlines which I assume means some type of syntax error. Of course I'm not trying to compare the numbers 2 and 1 - that is just a sample. What I want it to compare my type double field to zero - such as new Boolean(Double.valueOf($F{friends_family_minutes}) >0) but the 0 has a red underline
  5. I can make this work for strings using: new Boolean($F{off_peak_free_minutes}.trim().equals("")==false) I have to put this expression on the column headings and the column data. So far I can't get the expression right to compare with zero.
  6. I need to be able to hide a column (not display it in excel) if it contains no data. I think the PrintWhenExpression property is supposed to do the trick but I can't get it to work. For testing, I've created a simple expression. <printWhenExpression><![CDATE[new Boolean(true)]]></printWhenExpression> This is in the reportelement of the text field. It doesn't matter if I use "true" or "false", the column still shows up. I am using 4.1.2. I can't figure out how to attach the actual code to this posting. When I try to paste something into this post, it will not paste.
  7. I can see the Print when Expression property and I have tried various expressions but I'm not getting the right one. the field is $F{device_name} and if it is blank I want the column to be removed when it the Excel sheet is created.
  8. Where can I see the print when expression property. When I right click a field I am not seeing the option.
  9. Is there a way to hide a column on a report if the column is blank or 0? If there is a way to do this, will the hidden column NOT show up when the report goes to Excel?
  10. There are two fields in the title band on the first line. A static field with the text "Detail Analysis" and a variable field with $F{client} Whichever field I drag to the begining of the line shows up on the report - the other field does not show up. I want them both to appear next to each other.
  11. Massimo's idea helped. By setting the compatibility level to 4.1.1, most (but not all) of the strange behavior of the report got resolved. Now when I compile the report, the basic formatting into Excel is maintained. I still have one odd issue: In the title band, I am trying to add a text field next to a static field on the very first line. When I do this, the text field doesn't show up in the report. When I switch the order of the line so that the text field is first followed by the static field, the static field doesn't show up on the report. Hence, when I add any field to the first line of the report, it doesn't show up on the report.
  12. I can't use Jaspersoft Studio as it is too new for the 4.1.2 executables in jboss. But, I found a solution. I removed JDK version 8 and now iReport comes up.
  13. I see that I have a jasperreports-4.1.2.jar file in the jboss folder. Makes me think that either I need to upgrade the version of jasperreports in jboss (I have no idea how to do that) or I need to downgrade to an report editor that will support 4.1.2
  14. I have downloaded multiple versions of iReports using the Windows installer. When I run the program, I get a splash screen announcing itself and then nothing happens. I expected some kind of report editor to come up. I'm running Windows 8.1. What should happen? Why doesn't it?
  15. It looks like I have JasperReports 4.1.2 on my jboss server. At least that is what the jar file says. I have existing reports which I have to make changes to. I have to create the development environment as these reports were initially written by a third party. What software can I download which will allow me to edit and compile the 4.1.2 reports.
  16. I'm wondering if the problem I'm having with Jasper Reports is related to whatever run-time is installed with our jboss server. I am using TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio 6.0.1 to compile a jrxml file. When I build the war file and deploy it to jboss, many things seem to mess up on the report (lines get scrunched in Excel - new field is missing). The report is called by Java and works ok until it is recompiled. (I do not have whatever version that it was initially designed to work with) I wonder if I have to install something related to jboss to get this to work?
  17. I tried again to post the source so hopefully it can be seen now. All I am trying to do is to add one field (Client) to the title band. I'm just dropping and dragging the field to what looks like an available space in the title band. Unfortunately, when I do this and compile the report, the report in Excel goes bonkers. Lines 1 and 3 become extremely short and the client field never shows up on the report.
  18. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Detail Analysis - Reporter: $P{reporter} billing Month: $F{billing_period_selected} $P{message_when_void} $F{client} Phone Number Owner Name user Name Device Name Carrier Original Activation Date upgrade Eligibility Date Device Status Type Make Model international Voice Plan Description Data Plan Description Add. Feature Plan Description Premium Purchase Description Peak Minutes Off Peak / Free Minutes Friends & Family Minutes Roaming Minutes Long Distance Minutes Total Minutes Push To Talk / Direct Connect Directory Assistance Calls sMS Usage MMS Usage Mobile To Mobile Messaging Usage international Messaging Usage Messaging In Messaging Out Total Messaging Usage Aircard / Hot Spot Plan Usage (MB) international Data Usage(MB) Data Tethering Plan Usage (MB) Total Data Usage (MB) Voice Access Charge Data Access Charge Pager Access Charge Add Feature Plan Charge Proration Charge / Credit Discount M.A.C. Usage Adjustements Voice Access Overage Charge Data Usage Overage Charge Call Forwarding Charge Push To Talk / Direct Connect Long Distance Usage Charges international Voice Usage Charges international Data Usage Charges international Messaging Charge Messaging Overage / Usage Premium Purchases Charge Directory Assistance Equipment / Accesory bAN Level Charges / Credits surcharges / Government Fees / Taxes Total Carrier Current Charges Voice Cost Allocation Non-Voice Cost Allocation Peek Minutes Used Cost Per Minute Total Allocation Charges Management Fee Other Management Fee Total Management Fees Total Management Allocation Charges Cost Center 1 Cost Center 2 Cost Center 3 Cost Center 4 Cost Center 5 Cost Center 6 Cost Center 7 Cost Center 8 Cost Center 9 Cost Center 10 Voice Plan Description $F{phone_number} $F{owner_name} $F{user_name} $F{device_name} $F{carrier} $F{original_activation_date} $F{upgrade_eligibility_date} $F{device_status} $F{type} $F{make} $F{model} $F{international_voice_plan_description} $F{data_plan_description} $F{add_feature_plan_description} $F{premium_purchase_description} Double.valueOf($F{peak_minutes}) Double.valueOf($F{off_peak_free_minutes}) Double.valueOf($F{friends_family_minutes}) Double.valueOf($F{roaming_minutes}) Double.valueOf($F{long_distance_minutes}) Double.valueOf($F{total_minutes}) $F{push_talk_direct_connect_minutes} Double.valueOf($F{directory_assistance_calls}) Double.valueOf($F{sms_usage}) Double.valueOf($F{mms_usage}) Double.valueOf($F{mobile_2_mobile_messaging_usage}) Double.valueOf($F{international_messaging_usage}) Double.valueOf($F{messaging_in}) Double.valueOf($F{messaging_out}) Double.valueOf($F{total_messaging_usage}) Double.valueOf($F{air_card_hot_spot_plan_usage}) Double.valueOf($F{international_data_usage}) Double.valueOf($F{data_tethering_plan_usage}) Double.valueOf($F{total_data_usage}) Double.valueOf($F{voice_access_charge}) Double.valueOf($F{data_access_charge}) Double.valueOf($F{pager_access_charge}) Double.valueOf($F{add_feature_plan_charge}) Double.valueOf($F{proration_charge_credit}) Double.valueOf($F{discount}) Double.valueOf($F{mac_usage_adjustments}) Double.valueOf($F{voice_access_overage_charge}) Double.valueOf($F{date_usage_overage_charge}) Double.valueOf($F{call_forwarding_charge}) Double.valueOf($F{push_talk_direct_connect_charges}) Double.valueOf($F{long_distance_usage_cahrges}) Double.valueOf($F{international_voice_usage_charges}) Double.valueOf($F{international_data_usage_charges}) Double.valueOf($F{international_messaging_charge}) Double.valueOf($F{messaging_overage_usage_charge}) Double.valueOf($F{premium_purchases_charge}) Double.valueOf($F{directory_assistance_charges}) Double.valueOf($F{equipment_accessory_charges}) Double.valueOf($F{ban_level_charges_credits}) Double.valueOf($F{surcharges_government_fees_taxes}) Double.valueOf($F{total_carrier_current_charges}) Double.valueOf($F{voice_cost_allocation}) Double.valueOf($F{non_voice_cost_allocation}) Double.valueOf($F{peak_minutes_used}) Double.valueOf($F{cost_per_minute}) Double.valueOf($F{total_allocation_charges}) Double.valueOf($F{management_fee}) Double.valueOf($F{other_management_fee}) Double.valueOf($F{total_management_fee}) Double.valueOf($F{total_management_allocation_charges}) $F{cost_center_1} $F{cost_center_2} $F{cost_center_3} $F{cost_center_4} $F{cost_center_5} $F{cost_center_6} $F{cost_center_7} $F{cost_center_8} $F{cost_center_9} $F{cost_center_10} $F{domestic_voice_plan_description}
  19. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> I have included the source to the report. The problem I'm having is I am trying to display a field "client" in the header and it won't display. When I put the same field in the detail line, it displays so I know it has a value. I am a rookie with Jasper Reports so I could be doing something really dumb but I just don't know what it is.
  20. I am running TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio 6.0.1 - I can not figure out how to edit the data source to an existing report. The report reads from a PostgreSQL database table and I need to add another field to the report (which is already on the table). I have clicked every menu and everything I can think of but I can't find where this is defined.
  21. I downloaded the Jaspersoft Studio and it seems to work. How do I move a change to my jboss server? Creating a WAR file didn't move my change so I suspect I have to do something else. To be clear, this report is already running on jboss and being called by a java application. I am just trying to change an existing report. I have the modified DetailAnalysis.jrxml file but I don't know how to deploy it to the jboss server I know how to create war files from the normal java programs and deploy them to jboss but that process doesn't seem to include the jrxml file. If I use JasperStudio outside of Eclipse, I can do a build and move the .jasper file into my Eclipse workspace. When I do this, building a WAR file from Eclipse picks up my change when I deploy the WAR file to jboss.
  22. I need to make a change to an existing Jasper report. I've never used Jasper before so my Eclipse is not setup for it. I installed the YASW Library and Jasper. When I open DetailAnalsys.jrxml, I get a screen that says Main Report but nothing else. When I click on the source code tab, I see the source code. I expected to see a graphic representation of the report on the Design screen but I just see "Main Report". When I try to compile the report, I get an error which I can't paste into this question (paste isn't working). The guts of the error message are: java.lang.Linkage error: loader constraint violation when resolving method org.apache.log4.spi.LoggingEvent.<init> ... The class loader instance of the current class, org/apache/log4j/category, and the class loader for the resolved class have different Class objects. How can I know what version of jLog4 is needed for Jasper? I think I have version 1.2.16
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