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Everything posted by marciocandido_1

  1. I followed these steps... and the system still the same way! =/ Should I install a new version and import the repos without themes?
  2. No, I didn't made any customizations. It's only on the server upgraded, any new installation on other server are normal. The language comes with JRS. i didn't make any modifications, I downloaded v6.1 zip file, extracted, followed steps to upgrade and then it comes that way. i really don't know what to do anymore.
  3. I´m having a problem with many controls after upgraded from 6.0 to 6.1 I´ve tried all these thing - Installed a new version on a different machine exported everything (with UI and Command line) and them imported on the server. Nothing happens - Installed the 6.1 default theme as a new theme. Nothing Happens - Tried the server import with the tomcat stopped and tomcat running. Nothin Happens. - Cleared the Cache of the IE, Firefox and Chrome also tried in other machines. Nothing Happen - Tried to restart the server many times. Is there any other thing i could do? The issue occurs on all dialog boxes... Server Ubuntu 15 JasperServer 6.1 CE Thanks.
  4. I´ve done it, and tried on Chrome and Firefox... and tried in other computers too =/ It´s not working.
  5. Don´t work. I made a new instalation on a new computer... Exported all themes do a zip file Imported it from command line The resources are update, bacause the date was changed in the Jasper Visualization, but still have the same problem. What´s next? Thanx.
  6. Thanks man, but it didn´t works. It´s the community version. Any other thing i could do?
  7. /sites/default/files/images/Captura%20de%20tela%202015-08-20%2018_59_06(1).png
  8. All the dialogs are like the prints after we upgraded. What i have to do?
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