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Everything posted by assiacpge2011

  1. Thank you hozawa for the answer...I deleted Catalina as you said but that didn't work...any other proposition? Best regards
  2. Hi everyone, on a machine server is installed jasperserver and all was working fine untill I deleted context.xml from C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-cp-5.5.0aapache-tomcatwebappsjasperserverMETA-INF. Then I restored context.xml from the recycle Bin of the server machine and I put it in it's directory. But when I restarted jasperserver service and tryed to open jasperserver on tomcat apache: locahost:8080/jasperserver that showed me this page: Etat HTTP 404 - /jasperserver/home.htmltype Rapport d''état message /jasperserver/home.html description La ressource demandée n''est pas disponible. Apache Tomcat/7.0.42 NB: localhost:8080 is working fine and showing correctly Tomcat Apache page Please I need help ...that s important to me to solve the problem immediatly. best regards
  3. with Python and Jasperserver REST API I'm sending http requests to generate a PDF Report but I get blank PDFs. I'v looked for a solution over the net but couldn't solve the problem. I don't know if it's a problem with jasperserver or with my Script or with encoding. When I try to export the report in HTML format I get it with no problem...but my aim is to have PDF reports not HTML ones. my PDF export is fine on Ireport and Jasperserver...but not with my Python Script. My report is containing charts,tables and colors ..and I'm using SanSerif font. Below is the last part of my Script and there is the last http request that generates the PDF report: p=s.get('http://host:port/jasperserver/rest/report/*theUUID? file=report&RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT=PDF',stream=True) c = canvas.Canvas('fileName.pdf') c.save() des=open('fileName.pdf','w') des.write(p.text.encode('utf-8', 'replace')) des.close() the Result is a blank PDF 'fileName.pdf' that has 3 pages (when I run the same report on Ireport or Jasperserver I get 3 pages but not blank) I'm using Requests for http requests and Reportlab to create the PDF file Please I need Help.
  4. Hi I have the same problem. I download Blank PDFs. I'm using Python to send http requests to jasperserver and my report is containing charts and tables. does anyone find the solution to this problem? Thanks, Assia
  5. Hi I have the same problem. I download Blank PDFs. I'm using Python to send http requests to jasperserver and my report is containing charts and tables. does anyone find the solution to this problem? Thanks, Assia
  6. First of all I want to thank Sergio for his help, I followed the steps and that worked perfectly to export an HTML report. But when I tried to export a PDF one, the PDF downloaded is Blank. But the number of pages in that PFD file is the same as when I export the report in Ireport or Jasperserver. Do you have an idea how to get the PDF report generated? thanks, Assia
  7. Hi everyone! ... I'm working with one Group in Ireport conditionned by a field "name". and I want that a chart appear after each set of elements that have the same "name".I want this chart to display only the information in each set...How I can I do that? What I tried:I put the chart on the Group Footer band and I selected the options: 'Evaluation time: group', 'Evaluation group:the name of my group' but that always gave me a repeated chart after each set with the information of all the sets. then I added the Option:'Print When Group Changes:the name of my group' I it had the same result. And I want to do the same with a table that summarises information in the set of elements with the same "name" I'm a beginner in Ireport and I wish that my post is clear...Excuse my english :) best regards
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