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Everything posted by jmsalomr

  1. Hi, I know now that I should compile the java file first. I've tried using javac EvaluationScriptlet.java, but I got 8 cannot find symbol errors. I suppose that this is because the compiler cannot find the classes referred in the file, so I'm supposing I should specify some path to the compiler. As I'm using Mac OS X, I've tried the following: javac -classpath /Applications//TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio 6.0.1.final/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/41/1/.cp/lib/jasperreports-6.0.0.jar EvaluationScriptlet.java But still got the same errors? How should I compile the scriptlet If I don't want to install a java IDE? Thanks
  2. Hi, Sorry, I'm very new on Jaspersoft Studio and I'm not java developer. Although I've tried several things, I'm not able to make it work this scriptlet. The problem is that I'm using Jaspersoft Studio on Mac OS X (Yosemite) and I don't know where should I save the .java file with the class. How should I do? Thanks!
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