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  1. In case you're still looking for an idea on this... We were experiencing a similar issue in which these 401 statuses would be returned after a period of inactivity in our application (we're embedding reports using Visualize.js). Attempting to run any reports, even with the authentication username / password included every time, continued to return 401. A page refresh fixed the issue, however. We were able to catch and attempt to handle this with the error handler attached to the v.report({}) function. It appears that some of the session information is actually stored within the visualize.js script that you pull from the server before executing any reports. We found the following steps fix this issue (and can be done behind the scenes without refreshing the page or alerting the user): Catch and handle the authentication error. Set window.visualize = null.Fetch the visualize.js script from your JasperReports Server again.Execute the report again.These steps have effectively resolved our issue, though I suspect that there may be a more proper solution out there if anyone has better knowledge of the visualize.js source code and knows how this session information is stored.
  2. Unfortunately not. In the short term we've sacrificed the server-side validation of credentials, but certainly hope to transition to a better solution when one is identified.
  3. My team is developing a web application that uses JasperReports Server (AWS) and Visualize.js to display data visualizations to our customers within our application. One of the key components with this setup is the JRS authentication that must happen with Visualize.js on our frontend when a user attempts to view embedded reports. The documentation available for Visualize.js consistently mentions three methods: Plain text credentials, SSO Tokens, and Login Hooks. Our goal is as follows: When Visualize.js attempts to authenticate a user, we want to ensure that the username and password being sent to JRS actually belong to the user making the request. This requires that a request be made to our web application. At first glance, the “Login with Hooks” option for authentication with Visualize.js seems to be the best approach for us to achieve our goal. However, there seems to be very little explanation on how this authentication approach actually works in the documentation. The only documentation we have been able to find is a javascript code snippet with a few comments (see http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-visualizejs-guide/v60/api-reference-login-and-logout or http://jsfiddle.net/TIBCO_JS_Community/x7twvehg/). Is anyone aware of documentation that further explains how this authentication method works? Specifically, we are hoping to understand definitively: 1. Can the URL of the custom login function point to our web application’s server (such as http://our-web-application.com/jrs-authenticate) or can it only point to JRS (such as http://my.jasperserver.com/customLogin, shown in the documentation)? 2. If our only choice is a URL pointing to JRS (such as http://my.jasperserver.com/customLogin), is there documentation that details how to create such a custom login function?
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