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Everything posted by vbence

  1. Same problem. The problem comes up, when I added some input controls to the report on the web ui and after when i wanted to open project int the tree in the jaspersoft studio repository explorer, i got this error.
  2. The server log doesnt contain these errors, and I use https. This is the response page for the given error in the network area error (i showed above): http://snag.gy/A9Ea0.jpg Maaybe it's a network issue? How can i enable the connected logging?
  3. <!-- Provide URL to Visualize.js --><script type="text/javascript" src="https://serverAddress/jasperserver-pro/client/visualize.js"></script><!-- Provide container to render your visualization --><div id="container"></div>[/code]and this is the js: visualize({ server: "https://serverAddress/", auth: { name : "jasperadmin", password: "mypassword", organization:"organization_1" }}).done(function(v){ var report = v.report({ resource: "/KSZF/NYITOTT_KOTESALLOMANY/NyitottKotesallomany", (I watched this for web ui report mouse right click properties, so the kszf is in the root (http://snag.gy/BHQG1.jpg)) container: "#container" });}).fail(function(err){ alert(err.message); });[/code]My report run well in web ui, and i see visualize.js get request worked in the browser(chrome), but I have different errors: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'done' of undefined fiddle.jshell.net/:29Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)https://serverAddress/xdm.html?logEnabled=true&logLevel=error&xdm_e=http...[/code]I try many things, different settings, but cant work. any idea? thanks
  4. i find the correct answer my main question here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/847592/it-possible-create-interactive-tables-rest-v2-community-edition
  5. meanwhile i found it is not possible. I found a solution for this: visualize js, but it's not work for fiddler. this is my html: and this is the js: visualize({ server: "https://serverAddress/", auth: { name : "jasperadmin", password: "mypassword", organization:"organization_1" } }).done(function(v){ var report = v.report({ resource: "/KSZF/NYITOTT_KOTESALLOMANY/NyitottKotesallomany", (I watched this for web ui report mouse right click properties, so the kszf is in the root (http://snag.gy/BHQG1.jpg)) container:"#container" }); }).fail(function(err){ alert(err.message); }); My report run well in web ui, and i see visualize.js get worked in the browser(chrome), but I have different errors: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'done' of undefined fiddle.jshell.net/:29 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) https://serverAddress/xdm.html?logEnabled=true&logLevel=error&xdm_e=http%3A%2F%2Ffiddle.jshell.net&xdm_c=default925&xdm_p=1 This is the network answers for the request: http://snag.gy/Xwkvs.jpg I try many things, different settings, but cant work. any idea? thanks
  6. Hy! It is possible to get interactive HTML5 chart through rest v2 api reports from browser? Are there any solution for this? I realized, if i setting the isInteractive parameter to false, i got link to the chart picture. I cant found any document for this. Thanks, Bence
  7. I realized that, maybe the problem : ő,Ő,í,Í,Ű,ű in the csv header row (maybe hungarian character coding). So if i don't have the same characters in the header row, the csv useful content is shown well, correct (when I choose windows-1252). But i need that characters in the header (It's business requirements). It is a bug? Please help me.
  8. I have an excel file, I saved is as csv. It mades a csv with ANSI character encoding. I want to use this csv, as a csv data adapter. I tried to create a data adapter with the jaspersoft studio wizard, i changed the encoding to windows-1252 (and tried much other). It was useless. You can see it on the picture below. When I changed the encoding with notepad++ from ANSI to UTF8 it worked, but i need without manual changing. Windows 1252 because of this stackoverflow question: What is ANSI format? ANSI encoding is a slightly generic term used to refer to the standard code page on a system, usually Windows. It is more properly referred to as Windows-1252
  9. But I can't imagine that, what can support help, if they can't answer this (not too difficult) question...
  10. Ohh, i got the solution: I had to set the folder's Custom_role role to read which contains the report (but the upper folder stay execute only), so the hierarchy stay invisible! :)
  11. Hy! I changed, i put the user to ROLE_USER and set no access for ROLE_USER for everything, and control the accesses with the Custom Role in the following way: No access for everything except 1 report (execute only)(of course execute only the connected hierarchy tree) and input controls(execute only)(of course execute only the connected hierarchy tree). I try to execute over rest api call, but says:Access is denied. What's wrong?
  12. I try to create a Custom Role and add a User, and Delete the ROLE_USER role from the User's roles . After I set on the report my Custom Role to Execute only. The user can't login to web interface, but can't access for the given report execution. Any idea?
  13. Hy! I want to create a user for the rest api v2 report executions (or a role group with the user). I need that, this user/role only access 1 report execution (which has about 20 input parameters, but not mandatories), but can't access any other item in the repository (the best would be that, if he can't login to web user interface (so can't see anything)). What's the best way to achieve it? Thanks.
  14. Hy! I created an example and it's work for me in Jaspersoft Studio, when I run in the Preview section with given the input parameter. This is the connected jrxml part: And the filtered output: Good luck, Bence
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