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Everything posted by MikeM19

  1. Hello guys, i'm having an issue, i just created a report in Ireports 5.6 using a Java.util.collection parameter so the user can select from an checkbox input control on jasperserver and pass the parameters to the report, this one works fine, but because of the end users needs what i have to do is that the user write the values coma separated instead of selecting them from the checkbox, when i do this i'm getting an error, as far as i know is because the inputcontrol type is string and the parameter is a collection, there is any way to sort this? i mean how can i change the report so the coma separated values provided by the user on the jasperserver inputcontrol can be used by the report and get the information? i tried this on the report query but still no success: WHERE column_name in ($P!{string_parameter}) i hope any of you guys can help me here. Best regards!
  2. Hello guys, I'm having an issue with the input controls on jasperserver, the issue i'm having is that the fields have enabled some kind of drag and drop function i mean if by accident i drag some part of the field or the selection list the whole element moves across the window and let me drag it to another place, there is another way to keep the fields static? i hope any of you guys can help me here. Regards!
  3. Hello guys, I'm having an issue with ireports 5.6, i have a report with 2 tables one on the details section and another one on the summary, everything works fine except when the table on the details section is empty the table on the summary section is not printing, the tables are filled with 2 different querys, i tried changing the position of the tables but the problem remains, i tried too put one table on column header and the other one on details or summary but the issue persist, as i can see the problem is if one of the tables are empty the other one is not printed, does anybody have a clue about this? Regards!
  4. Hello, I'm working with Ireports 5.6 and an SQL server data connection, i'm having an issue and i hope some of you guys can help me here, i need to extract fields information for a report from 2 different views from or db, when i use the query designer and select the fields i need from each view and click on read files button the field info is not showing up, the designer just keep waiting and waiting but there no information, the funny/weird thing here is that if i select fields from just one of the views the field information appears normally, any of you guys have an idea why is this happening, the resultant query very very simple and is like this: SELECT bs_view1."value1" AS bs_view1_value1, bs_view1."value2" AS bs_view1_value2, bs_view2."value1" AS bs_view2_value1, bs_view2."value2" AS bs_view2_value2, FROM "dbo"."bs_view1" bs_view1, "dbo"."bs_view2" bs_view2 I have to say that the views have different information but the field name are the same on both, i hope you guys can help me. Regards!
  5. Hello, I'm working with Ireports 5.6 and an SQL server data connection, i'm having an issue and i hope some of you guys can help me here, i need to extract fields information for a report from 2 different views from or db, when i use the query designer and select the fields i need from each view and click on read files button the field info is not showing up, the designer just keep waiting and waiting but there no information, the funny/weird thing here is that if i select fields from just one of the views the field information appears normally, any of you guys have an idea why is this happening, the resultant query very very simple and is like this: SELECT bs_view1."value1" AS bs_view1_value1, bs_view1."value2" AS bs_view1_value2, bs_view2."value1" AS bs_view2_value1, bs_view2."value2" AS bs_view2_value2, FROM "dbo"."bs_view1" bs_view1, "dbo"."bs_view2" bs_view2 I have to say that the views have different information but the field name are the same on both, i hope you guys can help me. Regards!
  6. Hello tchen, Thanks for you reply, now i can say that you put me on the right direction because finally is working fine, i dont want to be annoying but there is any equivalent function on SQL server because i want to apply the same actions but with a different data source? thanks again! Regards!
  7. Thanks for your response tchen, i'm using MySQL as data source, my question here is if i'm not trying to convert just an specific date like 2015-06-22T22:09:44, i'm trying to extract a bunch of date values from a field this query should work? and if it does which must be the sintax for this? sorry for the simplicity of the question but as i said i'm pretty new with SQL. Here is the whole scenario of what i'm trying here, i have a table with some attributes about invoices (date, provider, city, etc) i can extract the information with a simple query but what i need is to select a data range so i can extract all the registers within that range but the problem is with the invoice date field because in the DB is a string type, so in a few words i have to convert the string field to a date field and then compare with a couple of parameters for the date range. i hope i was clear enough so you guys can help me here. Regards!
  8. Hello Jlongoria, Well i tried what you kindly suggested but it didn't work i'm getting the following error: 'DATE' is not a recognized built-in function name I'm sorry but my knowledge on SQL is pretty basic so i'm trying to learn as much as possible, the sentence i'm using to extract the date information string is: Select invoices."invoice_date" AS invoices_invoice_date From my_table thats the sentence the Ireport's query designer gave me when i was creating the template using the wizard, but as i said i cannot convert the string to a date type, any additional idea? Regards!
  9. Hello guys, I'm having a problem, i'm trying to design a report in Ireports, i need to extract the invoice date information from our DB, then run the report based on a date range i mean by example extract information from August 1th to August 20th, the problem i have is that in our DB the date field is a string not a date format, all the date have the format "2015-06-22T22:09:44" is there any way i can resolve this? i hope any of you guys can help me here, the language i'm using is SQL. Regards!
  10. I just have to say, you saved my life today, it works perfectly thank you so much Joel. Regards!
  11. Hello everybody, i just created a very simple report where i extract a bunch of attributes from a table based on a WHERE condition like this: WHERE field_name = $P{string parameter} Everything works fine but now i need to make another report using a multi selection list input control so the user can select more than one attribute to match the field name, i can create the input control on jasperserver but when i run the report it display that the report is empty even if i select just one option, can anybody put me on the right direction about this, the report is created on Ireports. Best regards!
  12. Thank you both for the response, the report i'm running is not on the jasper reports server, i'm testing it from my computer i don´t know if that changes something about the locale you're talking about? And Jazz, i'm sorry for the question but what do you mean by setting a pattern? as i said i'm pretty new with ireports so there is some concepts i still don't know about it. Regards!
  13. Hello, I'm new working with Ireports 5.6, i just created a report that extracts some information from a DB using SQL sentencies, the problem i'm facing is that the Date information i'm getting is wrong, for example if i check the "created date" field from the record in the application where we work with those appears like "17/08/15 10:47 AM" which should be the correct date but when i run the report the date appers 5 hours ahead, i mean "17/08/15 03:47 PM" and that happens with all my DB records from different tables, so any of you guys have any clue about this? i hope any of you can put me in the right direction. Best regards!
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