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Everything posted by adityasinghcs

  1. i dont want to use that. I want to pass parameter itself because what i have to do with the parameter is different then using in clause. I want to pass the same collection paramter anyhow. I dont have any other option.
  2. Need to pass a parameter of java.util.Collection to a postgres function how I can do that, please let me know step by step. Here is my code But this is thoriwing error from postgres function due to format of array. Please also let me know which data type will I used for this. If their is any way for sending collection value as a string to postgres function then it will also work for me and i will parse data into it from postgres function itself. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> sELECT * FROM getAgeAnalysisreportdata($P!{Site_Select2}) ]]></fieldDescription></p><p> </field></p><p> <field name="typeinout" class="java.lang.String"></p><p> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[ ]]></fieldDescription></p><p> </field></p><p> <field name="sitename" class="java.lang.String"></p><p> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[ ]]></fieldDescription></p><p> </field></p><p> <field name="id" class="java.lang.Integer"/></p><p> <field name="recorddate" class="java.lang.String"/></p><p> <field name="crowdsize" class="java.lang.Integer"/></p><p> <field name="siteid" class="java.lang.String"/></p><p> <field name="locationid" class="java.lang.String"/></p><p> <variable name="InOutValue" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Group" resetGroup="typeinout" calculation="Sum"></p><p> <variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{valueinout} $F{intervalinout} $F{typeinout} null "Age Analysis" "Displaying Age Analysis estimate" "Age Analysis" $P{Site_Select2} $P{LocationSelect} $P{DateSelect} $P{DataSelectTo} $P{IntervalSelect} $F{intervalinout} $F{typeinout} $V{InOutValue} "Age Group" "Values"
  3. First of all dont even try to refer from anywhere regarding this issue because you will waste your time. Please only follow what I am mentioning in this. 1. First of all, all parameters that you send from the main report, have to be declared(and of the same type) in your sub dataset. 2. Select your chart or table and go to its dataset bar, you will find dataset run, parameters and parameter mapping. Select parameters on it. 3. Now add a paramter into the list for this you need to open the paramter option in expression edit and select the parameter from it which you created in Sub Dataset and whose name is same as the parameter name of main report input. 4. Now you have to mention the expression of the paramter for this again go to parameter option and select the paramter which you created in Sub Dataset and whose name is same as the parameter name of main report input. 5. Thats It your work is done.
  4. This link solution doesnot resolve the issue. The main parameter is still not visible to sub dataset or chart datasetrun while adding paramter into it.
  5. Using Jasperserver 6.0 and studio also 6.0 I Need to pass main report parameter into subdataset query but getting error of parameter nor found. What I already tried to resolve this but issue not resolved. 1.Creating same subdataset paramter name as main parameter name. 2. Creating new paramter in subdataset and applied default value as main report parameter but this is giving error that paramater is not found. 3. Directly called main parameter in subdataset query but this is also same error and parameter not found.
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