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Everything posted by bartdv

  1. hi, does anyone know if a pdf generated with jaspersoft kan be digitally signed with the 'Adobe Sign' software ? thank you !
  2. apparently I can only upload one file, only the last added file has been uploaded update : ok I added the other files
  3. hello I am generating a pdf with jasper Studio 6.5.1. It is a very simple text field with html markup , with a <OL> list in it. When we use our own proprietary font type there is a mis-alignment on the 2nd line. When we use another font eg SansSerif, the alignment is correct. What could we do about this ? thank you
  4. thanks, I did find that property but it seems all cells are standard locked when I generate xls (I'm using libreoffice spreadsheet), so I have to de-lock all cells explicitly, is that normal behaviour ?
  5. hi, I 'm exporting a jrxml file into an exell file with ireports. all works well, but when I try to edit a cell of the xls I get the warning : "protected cells cannot be modified" is there a possibility to prevent this behaviour by setting a property in the xml file ? cannot find this property anywhere... thanks Bart
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