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Everything posted by msescott

  1. I have tried ecj-4.4.1.jar and jave also tried the old jdtcore 3.1.1 version. Doesn't seem like any combination works.
  2. The latter. Until now we have simply been using 2 jar files among all of our other jars in a lib folder. One is the Jasper Reports JAR and the other is a jar with the JDT core code. Prior to JDK8, everything worked by itself when loading/compiling Jasper jrxml files on the fly from Java code.
  3. Here's what I did: - I downloaded ecj-4.4.1.jar for the JDT core compiler - I pointed my project's class path to include that jar and removed any reference to any other JDT core jar - (I looked into jasper 5.6.1 but the jar file didn't have any pom.xml file so it must configure things differently, so I stayed with jasper - I got into jasperreports- then META-INFmavenjasperreportsjasperreports and edited the pom.xml within that folder with the following changes: net.sf.jasperreports jasperreports eclipse jdtcore eclipse ecj 4.4.1 compile - even after I rebuild and restart my project, I keep getting the following When my Java code calls: JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperDesign p1, String p2); org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFormatException at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileReader.(ClassFileReader.java:329)
  4. I'm getting the same problem with JDK8 and I'm trying to get your workaround going without success. Can you enumerate the step by step process you took, eg. what files you modified and what were the locations of these files.
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