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  1. Hi, We are currently having jasper server deployed (with mysql as the repository DB) in production. Currently we have written SQL queries inside the Jasper report (I mean in jrxml inside jasper studio) Currently we have connected jasper reports to Oracle Autonomous database to generate reports fetching data from. Next step is we are going to replace Oracle DB with Postgres as our transaction database. So we want to change the queries inside the Jasper reports to suit them for Postgres and since there are 300+reports, this has become a tedious task. We have identified some keywords like DECODE should be changed If you have come across such a situation, can you please provide a way to convert them to run compatible to Postgres. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi all, I'm configuring jasper report server with exsisting active derectory ldap.When I'm running jasper server there is a error in log related to userSearch bean. Error :cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'span'. No child element is expected at this point. Error is occured red hilighted two lines. My configurations are here: <bean id="ldapAuthenticationProvider" class="org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.LdapAuthenticationProvider"> <constructor-arg> <bean class="org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.authenticator.BindAuthenticator"> <constructor-arg><ref local="ldapContextSource"/></constructor-arg> <property name="userDnPatterns"> <list> <value>CN={0},OU=IT Service Accounts</value> <value>uid={0},OU=LOITS</value> </list> </property> <property name="userSearch" ref="userSearch"/> </bean> </constructor-arg> </bean><bean id="ldapContextSource" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.security.externalAuth.ldap.JSLdapContextSource"> <constructor-arg value="ldap://,DC=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)" /> <property name="userDn"><value>CN=FusionUsr,DC=LOLC,DC=com</value></property> <property name="password"><value>Fu$@1234</value></property> </bean> <bean id="userSearch" class="org.springframework.security.ldap.search.FilterBasedLdapUserSearch"> <constructor-arg index="0"><value><span class="Forceful">OU=LOITS</span></value></constructor-arg> <constructor-arg index="1"><value><span class="Forceful">(sAMAccountName={0})</span></value></constructor-arg> <constructor-arg index="2"><ref local="ldapContextSource"/></constructor-arg> <property name="searchSubtree"><value>true</value></property></bean>
  3. Hi all, I'm authenticating Jasper Server to Microsoft Active Directory. We have lot of OU in our windows active directory.So we can't put each and every active directories in userDnPatterns.Is there any way to config ldapAuthenticationProvider bean.Current ldapAuthenticationProvider bean config are here. <bean id="ldapAuthenticationProvider" class="org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.LdapAuthenticationProvider"> <constructor-arg> <bean class="org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.authenticator.BindAuthenticator"> <constructor-arg><ref local="ldapContextSource"/></constructor-arg> <property name="userDnPatterns"> <list> <value>CN={0},OU=IT Service Accounts</value> <value>uid={0},OU=LOITS,OU=IT TRAINEE</value> </list> </property> <property name="userSearch" ref="userSearch"/> </bean> </constructor-arg> </bean>Is there any way to do that ?
  4. Hi all, I authenticate jasper server with microsoft active directory as mention in this doc.https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/v550/authentication-microsoft-active but only the AD admin can log into system.users in the AD can't login.configurations are here. <bean id="ldapAuthenticationProvider" class="org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.LdapAuthenticationProvider"> <constructor-arg> <bean class="org.springframework.security.providers.ldap.authenticator.BindAuthenticator"> <constructor-arg><ref local="ldapContextSource"/></constructor-arg> <property name="userDnPatterns"> <list> <value>CN={0},OU=IT Service Accounts</value> <value>uid={0},OU=LOITS</value> </list> </property> <!-- <property name="userSearch" ref="userSearch"/> --> </bean> </constructor-arg> </bean><bean id="ldapContextSource" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.security.externalAuth.ldap.JSLdapContextSource"> <constructor-arg value="ldap://,DC=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)" /> <property name="userDn"><value>CN=FusionUsr,DC=LOLC,DC=com</value></property> <property name="password"><value>Fu$@1234</value></property> </bean> What's the wrong here ?
  5. Hi TZaman, Did you intergrate wso2 ids with jasper server ?
  6. Thanks Hozawa for the comment. I saw tat in the JAsper server installation guides, it's mentioned as it's possible and there was a configuration for it. Pls kindly clarify me.
  7. I put oracle as db for jasperreports server and when i build using js-install it failed.I used jasperreports-server-cp-5.6.1-bin war file and manually tried to build this.This is the error msg i got : validation.xml JasperServer CE doesn't support oracle DB type! How to connect oracle db for jasperreports community edition in war file distribution ?
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