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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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  1. When saving changes to a report with the Eclipse JasperSoft Studio plugin 6.2, it takes over 3 minutes to complete if the report contains an image element with a java.io.File parameter as the image expression. If I enter a java.io.File directly as the expression (which is undesireable), save time is relatively normal (~12 seconds).
  2. Thanks, hozawa. I was using the empty-row datasource and did try a csv but to no improvement. I ended up installing the newest version of Eclipse (Mars.2). However, that still did not take care of it. Then, I narrowed it down to the image element when the image expression is a parameter of type java.io.File. If I enter a java.io.File directly as the expression, save time is relatively normal (~12 seconds).
  3. I am using Eclipse 4.5 and Studio 6.2 on Windows 10 64bit. I have increased eclipse memory to 2GB and turned off automatic building but no improvement. Eclipse progress indicator does not list any processes running except for "Searching Data Adapters (Sleeping)". Any ideas?
  4. This behavior has plagued me for at least a year now. If I refresh my workspace in Eclipse so that JasperStudio has to recompile the jasper files, several parameter classes that have always been on my classpath suddenly cannot be resolved by the JasperSoft Compiler. This happens with Luna and Mars. I am using the 6.1.1 version of the plugin in Eclipse Mars and Java 8 on Windows 8.1. I have to go through all kinds of permutations like moving a graphical element on the report and saving for JasperStudio to finally find the classes. I want to stress that I have never had to make any changes to the parameter to get it to finally compile. Has anyone else ever encountered this behavior? Thx.
  5. You may be right, hozawa. Thankfully, I was able to fix it. I relate it below for those in simlar situations: Well, I went through a lot of permutations. I first discovered some jaspersoft jars in the eclipse/features dir and deleted them manually. Then, I found I couldn't install the plugin because it was expecting those jars to already be present. I did some poking around and discovered that the were still listed in the artifacts.xml file. Makes sense. So, I deleted them and reinstalled JasperSoft Studio. However, the compile errors still persisted for resolving fields and imports. So, I looked at my linux configuration and noted some differences. First, there was a JasperSoft Library on the build-path in the linux configuration. So, added that but still no joy. Changing the JasperReports jrxml version to the latest (5.6.1) didn't seem to have any effect. So, I started looking at the errors again. I noticed that there were reports with fields and imports referring to my objects that were not causing errors. So, I tried deleting the import line from the jrxml and readding it. It worked! The same worked for the fields. Something was preventing the compiler from reading those lines...not sure what. I also noticed that an import was required for an associated object which didn't seem to be the case in prior versions
  6. Thanks, hozawa, for the quick response. I copied my workspace from linux to windows and then imported my projects. I installed JasperSoft Studio 5.6.2 Final from the update site: http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/ for my environment. I don't have any ClassNotFoundException's so I don't think the jasper jars are missing. Any other ideas?
  7. Getting "Only a type can be imported. XYZ resolves to a package." for every import in the jrxml files. I migrated from Linux to Windows 8.1 and use Eclipse Luna. The build path is correct and working in the linux environment (In fact the imports are in the same project as the reports). I tried installing/uninstalling the plugin several times. I thought it may have something to do with the line-endings. The line-endings are 0A (LF). I tried changing them to 0D0A but to no avail. Please advise. Thanks.
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