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Everything posted by noe.otero

  1. Claudio, el lenguaje oficial de estos foros es el inglés. Publica tu pregunta en inglés para obtener respuestas de la comunidad. Gracias. Claudio, the forum's official language is English. Post your question in English to get answers from the community. Thanks.
  2. I am using iReport to generate PDF reports in Linux Mint 17. I desing a template with iReport, then fill it using a JRBeanArrayDataSource, then print it to PDF. I am starting with a report with a single static text, no fields, no paremeters used, nothing. Just a static text with the default "Static text" written on it. I load the .jrxml, then compile it, then print to a PDF and an HTML. When I change the name of the font used for the static text, the HTML file changles accordly, but the PDF file never changes, always shows the same sans-serif font, no matter what font I choose. I have checked what fonts are available to my JVM by executing: GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); and printing the result, and all fonts I am using are listed there. What can I do? Thanks, noe.
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