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  1. Hi Do you know, how to stretch text for text field for the whole width in Jaspersoft? Preview in Jaspersoft stidio is fine This is when the report is generated in Jaspersoft reporting server in Clarity. As you can see text is not aligned at the end of TextField And this is when the report is exported in PDF from Jaspersoft reporting server. The issue is, when you want to limit the text for certain number of characters, then the number of characters is different in Jaspersoft studio preview and in Jaspersoft Reporting server, because reporting server???? does not fulfill whole width of text field with characters. I am using Chrome browser to generate report in Clarity application. Could you help me, please, how to manage this "weird" behavior? Regards Milos
  2. Hi Could you help me, please, how to download data from API and generate PDF document using Java code? Report is generated and prepared on this address for downloading as a pdf “http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/reportExecutions/requestID/exports/exportID/outputResource”. I can see the output in Postman and when I do “Save Response” in postman it saved me the file as a pdf. But I would like to do it automatically via Java to save the pdf on local PC. Thanks in advance for your help Regards Milos
  3. Hi I have two Jaspersoft servers installed in a cluster (I hope). I would like to know, if there is any healthcheck utility, where I can see, both servers are in a cluster and all si working correctly. Thank you in advance for you answers Regards Milos
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