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  1. Hi, and thanks for all the community help. Let me explain my issue : I use Jaspersoft Studio 6.2.2 and JasperServer 6.2.1 I would like to structure my report like this : to the left, one big table (let's say 2000px high); to the right, a small table (200px high). Both tables on same page, with empty 20px between them. What i want : when seeing the report on JasperServer, if i scroll down to see more content of the big table, the small table stays static so it's always visible (not affected by the scrolling). In other words, i would like a report element to have a position fixed, like position:fixed in CSS, which would always stay at the same place even if i scroll the page on my browser. I doubt this is possible? Already tried every type of position for elements, bands, using groups and even injecting CSS in a textfield with the "hml" tag, didn't help. Thanks in advance Epix
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