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Everything posted by frank.vedder

  1. Hi, i'm testing possibility using visualize.js in my webapp. I've tried to run and export report in Firefox , Chrome e Internet Explorer 11. With Firefox and Chrome no problem the report runs i can see the data and with a button i can export to pdf or others formats. Inside IE11 i can run the report but when i try to export appears a small window that requires user and password for our server. If i put my credential (the same used in code) the mini-credential-window always appears even i store the password. Ath the moment i'm using a simple report wih user and password in plain text. Any help ? Thanks in advance.
  2. I've tried this feature yesterday but when i try to add a package or class i can select only predefined choice and not org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DateUtil class There's nothing about org.apache.poi....
  3. Hi i'm newbie with JasperStudio and excuse me in advance for my "basic" request and for my low level skill but i can't go on. I'm just using an excel file as data source. i've an excel colum as date. i've used a field java.lang.Double Inside text field (in details) in expression field i put org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DateUtil.getJavaDate(($F{Excel_Column})) and all is ok. The question is : can i import class org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DateUtil in my report or project and continue to use the class simply digiting DateUtil.getJavaDate
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