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Everything posted by ksk

  1. I didn't know about the Tracker. The bug is above though - that expression IS valid, even though it says it isn't.
  2. I never really got the JSON data source working but I did manage to get one working with XML. This error message is actually a bug in JasperReports because there is nothing wrong with the expression but I couldn't get them to acknowledge it or fix it. The support on these forums leaves a bit to be desired sadly.
  3. Trying to put the following expression in the Data Source Expression: ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).dataSource("/Northwind/Customers") It gives an error in the expression editor that says: Current expression is not valid. Please verify it! I know that is a valid expression so why would it be getting this error?
  4. I'm try to do a json subreport connected to the Northwind sample database and I'm reading all over that I need the following expression in the subreport DataSourceExpression: ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JsonDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource("Orders") Yet, when I try to put it in the expression editor it tells me: The current expression is not valid. Please verify it! Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
  5. By the way, to clarify, I'm talking about when you specify the JDBC DSN, put in your select * from <tablename> and then click "Read Fields" and it pulls in all the data names and classes.
  6. The JDBC driver I'm connecting to is defaulting numerics to "java.lang.BigDecimal". Of course, it should be "java.math.BigDecimal". Is there any way to override this assignment without changing it each time I define a new report?
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