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ioannis.latousakis's Achievements

  1. My report is ok on most formats, although CSV is not. The values for the third (last) column, are actually appenedned on a new row of the second column: Col1 Col2 Col3 col3Val col1Val col2Val I found some similar questions, with answer to look at a specific forum (http://jasperforge.org/jasperreports/faq.html) but that doesn't seem to work any more. I use reports 5.6.1 and latest comunity jaspersoft studio 6.1.1 The xml file is upload on dropbox here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ctyzko9tiy5cdd/no_identifiers.jrxml?dl=0
  2. Installed jasper as a plugin on eclipse luna 4.4.1 and it works fine. The standallone (even professional version) kept crashing. Installed using both .deb , and tar, the behavior was the same.
  3. This worked, I had tried this before but used the wrong count parameter. THanks
  4. As the title explains, I want to return the total number of results found, on the top of the report. I found some solutions using report count pre-defined variable, but it had to be at the bottom of the page, and returned the result count for that specific page. I need to display the total count on the front page. I could be using a SQl count, but as far as I know I can execute only one query, so if I count I dont get results back.. Any suggestions ?
  5. Jaspersoft studio keeps crashing whenever I open an existing report , or create a fresh one under ubuntu 14.04 Version is 5.6.2 , amd64.deb. Seconds after the report opens, the application closes, without the usual linux crash report. Although in studio workspace I found something that looks like crash report, a link to it is attached. Any ideas how I can fix it ? https://www.dropbox.com/s/yhj3nol9t0vqo0m/hs_err_pid11232.log?dl=0
  6. After removing the api links from SimpleHtmlExporterConfiguration SimpleJsonExporterConfiguration post went through. Thanks though !
  7. I realised the setParameter method is deprecated, and replaced the setIntput and output methods, although it is not clear to me how I should replace exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.CHARACTER_ENCODING, "UTF-8") using the new Configuration. Ideally I would use something thats not tied to any exporter - specific configuration, like SimpleHtmlExporterConfiguration or SimpleJsonExporterConfiguration.
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