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Everything posted by james.perry

  1. Take a look at the getInstance method. Looks like there are several ways to provide data. (InputStream, URL, etc) http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/renderers/BatikRenderer.html
  2. I'm trying to access the rest_v2 endpoint (mainly because it supports JSON) but I keep getting an error that states "Full authentication is required to access this resource". For example: $ curl -u superuser:superuser -H 'Accept: application/json' http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/permissions/Full authentication is required to access this resource What am I doing wrong here? This is a v5.2 instance of JRS. Thx
  3. Create a parameter called something like PROTOCOL and drop this expression in it.$P{JASPER_REPORT}.getProperty("ireport.jasperserver.url" ).split( ":" )[0]This will give you either HTTP or HTTPS depending on how the user is accessing the platform.Then alter any hardcoded URLs to include $P{PROTOCOL}.e.g. <![CDATA[$P{PROTOCOL}://localhost:8080/blah/blah/blah]]'
  4. I have a report that references a sub-report via URL. I need to be able to accomodate changes in how the report is hosted. (i.e. HTTP/HTTPS) Is there a way to determine the protocol that's being used to request a report? Perhaps a way to provide a relative path/URI?
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