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  1. Is it possibe to create one bar chart and putting some animation there using some scripting like jfree chart or D3 , can you plase help me on this .Please share me some linkswhere I can get some step by step guide .
  2. Which kind of OLAP jasper studio supports ,MOLAP , ROLAP ,HOLAP or DOLAP ?
  3. I am trying to connect jasper soft 2008 r2 with jasper , the configuration i have done is shown below . i am getting some error like this .
  4. I am using jasper studio CE , I am unable to connect to the server repository . Error is coming null pointer exception . url i gave :http://ip:8080/jasperserver-pro/login.html# user id password i put still the error is coming
  5. djohnson can you please tell me how to create the data adapter for rest webservice to integrate ?
  6. hozawa i have create one report with json data adapter as data source , i want to deploy it in the server , how can i, I mean how to create a json dta source in jasper server ?if the json is in remote place then vai any ur can we access it as data source ?
  7. i have create one report with json data adapter as data source , i want to deploy it in the server , how can i?if the json is in remote place then vai any ur can we access it
  8. can you please tell me how to create the data adapter for rest webservice to integrate ?
  9. I am building some report where data source will be external Rest web service (from some url i will be getting the data ), can you please guide me on 1.while creating report which data source i should take and 2.while deploying report in the jasper server then how to configure data source for the report .as for create data source option I am not getting any option to add data source except aws .I am using CE version of jasper .
  10. if my REST web service is generating Tab seperated value then can we take it as data source ?If not then what kind of file will be supported ? kind of files means json ,csv , xml ,remote xml .
  11. I will be telling you the very basic , I am using jasper studio 5.2 , take the 3 d bar chart from chart .suppose your db has two col ,like month and income .open the chart property take value = income and key = month , It will work . Do like that . . Any issue get back .
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