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Everything posted by john.v.little

  1. I have spent hours rewriting my question and post - it always says its spam. how do I contact someone to complain about this? I cant post my problem.
  2. I cant post. It is always saying: Your submission has triggered the spam filter and will not be accepted. I have no links, I have no rude words, just SQL examples, what the problem is and what I have tried. how can I post? I have only made 2 posts today. Is here some limitation saying you cant post 3 different posts in 1 day?
  3. Im using jasper studio 5.6 and there is no log4j.properties. Is there any other solution?
  4. There seems to be a huge missing feature in jasper studio. It seems its not possible for a mortal to get yesterdays date, or do date arithmentic in general. We need a report which shows summaries for today, yesterday, last month, today last month, last quarter etc. I have read many forum posts postulating ways to get yesterdays date, and things like last month. It seems it is not feasible. This was suggested: DATE(YEAR(TODAY( )),MONTH(TODAY( )),DAY(TODAY( ))-1) But this is wrong - if it is the 1st today, then yesterday needs to be the last day of the previous month, not just day -1 of the current month. Other suggestions include writing java classes (you may as well say build a rocket to land a girbil on the moon), or using groovy. We tried using grovy, but the expression editor doesnt recognis groovy syntax. Is there no solution for this for normal report writers? We could duplicate the report 10 times, and hard code the requred date ranges in SQL, but this is a maintenance nightmare as we change the columns requently, and there are a lot of them. If we are goijng to do this, there is no point in us using Jasper - we may as well stick to manually producing reports.
  5. I created a new report called slice which is the sub report. In it I used the following SQL: select 1 as registrations, 2 as cash which returns this: registrations cash12I then removed all bands except detail, and dragged the two fields one above the other: $F(registrations) $F(cash) Now when I preview this sub report, I get: 1 2 Great. Now I create the mail report, and drag the sub report Element into the "Detail 1" section, and select the exisiting sub report "slice". However, when I preview this master report, I just get "Document is Empty", when it certainly should not be. what am I doing wrong?
  6. The link above only allows you to download an MSI installer - I dont want to install bloatware, just get the missing mysql jar file. Does anyone know where this can be downloaded from? Assuming the jar can be found, how does one add it to the jasper studios class path? (windows 8)
  7. You hit this brick wall within minutes of trying to use report studio for the first time. I cannot find any documenation which says how to get this jar, or how to include it on the class path which various forums say is the answer to this error. The only place I can find the driver is here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ But sadly, this only allows you to download an MSI installer, not the jar. Please could someone tell me where to get the jar, and how to edit jasper studios class path to include it. I have mysql installed and a 1.7 java JDK, but neither install dirs seem to contain the missing mysql jar. Windows 8 64 bit, My SQL 5.6, studio 5.6.0.final. Why is this not included? It would save untold pain for users who just want to write reports against mysql - not learn how to administer java.
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