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Everything posted by PamSchniesel

  1. Hello, I am totally new to JasperReports and I have a problem to create a ad-hoc report for a year. The problem: The report should have just one parameter -> year. It should display tables and diagrams. The tables should include data from the given year, data from the year before and should calculate the changed in percentage between those years. Example 201420132014/2013Visits500400+25%bookings300250+20%successful bookings150100+50% The data are in one postgresql database in one table: | date | year | visits | bookings | successful bookings | How can I get the data from the year before and how can I calculate the differences between those years? Is it necessary to calculate those data in database layer or is jaspersoft server able to calculate them from plain data? Is there a best practice for it? BR
  2. Hello, I am totally new to JasperReports and I'm trying to create a csv datasource in JasperReports Server 5.6.0. Aim is to have regular Google Analytics CSV exports as a datasource and to create an Adhoc Report. Do I need to implement a custom datasource for it? Does someone maybe have some helpful hints, tutorials etc? Thank you in advanced BR PS
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