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Everything posted by gert_1

  1. Good to hear this solved your problem. Somewhere on this forum I read that OS X Maverick caused some problems as well (but if that's the cause, it's strange that downgrading worked). Good luck with Jasper Reports, using it for a while and it's a great tool for us:)
  2. I actually think JasperReport doesn't support this right now. Have you experimented with Crosstables already? I can tell you how to hack this specific situation, but that only works if you know how much records will return (which is not the case I guess). Create tabel, query LIMIT 10 (sort on first 10).Do this again, sort on last 10. Now you have 2 tables which act like you want. And if you are very creative maybe you can use this principle to make a subreport that does this for you, so repeats this step 10 times if you have 100 records. Ps. tagging it with all labels that are not involved (like Google, Hadoop etc.) does not help you. probably sooner the opposit
  3. I'd be very glad to help, but I don't know your exact problem. I think your problem is that you have a blank page you don't expect at the end of your report? Probably it's caused by empty Bands like Summary Could you remove the following bands from your report (if you don't use them of course): Summary (this one creates a page at the end of your report. so would declare the empty page)If needed also other ones you don't use like TitlePage headerBut I tihnk/hope it's solved with summary. Please let me know!
  4. Think this will solve your problem: Click on image Go to propertiesGo to section 'Image'Set: On Error Type = Blank (instead of 'icon')And then I think you're done. Please let me know if it worked
  5. Well I actually had this exact same problem last week hehe. I think the problem is that you have a second (of third etc.) paramter on which you unchecked 'Is For Prompting'. So it keeps asking for the parameter (that is not prompted) to be specified. Go to 'Parameter' section in report outline.Find the other parameter(s) you added (other than companyList)Remove them if not needed or check 'Is For Prompting' in property overview. Then anoter hint: It's Java so your Collection (Class type of your companyList -parameter) probably excists only of Strings right? If so, you can define the 'Nested Type Name' in the paramtere as 'java.lang.String'. This way you don't have to tell every paramater it's type is String :)
  6. Don't know what you mean with 'used Domain'? But here are some options from most likely to less likely: When you upload to server, it asks you to overwrite resources. Do not use 'overwrite = false'. I don't know why but it makes the report mess up. Alway do 'Overwrite = true'.If that doesn't work, login to server en remove all resources (right-click on report unit -> edit -> tab 'resources'). After that repeat step1, it may remove some junk and upload it the right way.Upgrade to newest workspace (you should do this anyway, new releases always eliminate some bugs) newest version is 6.0.3.HHope it helps, let me know! And PS. what version is your server on? (if these steps do not help)
  7. This is fixed and will be implemented in new version: http://sourceforge.net/p/jasperreports/code/ci/c4aff1c1a357ded09108aa48869936837fd4375e/ Will keep you updated about this!
  8. Hi guys, Goal I am having a problem. I have a main report with some subreports. When I export it to PDF or Word or so, everything works fine! But when I export to HTML, something goes wrong: In the main report, every subreport is captured in a 'main' div that consists every time out of 2 divs, from which the first one is an empty dummy. This empty dummy (code below) is the reason that Outlook (and Gmail as well) will show like 5 line breaks between the subreports. And thus makes it not useable for emailing.. Question 1: Is there a parameter (or other facility) that can disable this dummy DIV? When I manually remove the div it works like a charm! Question 2: Is there a way to influence the div porperties? E.g. Sometimes this dummy div starts with <div style="position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; "> and sometimes with other properties.. If I could give it some specific info like a.e. add a class 'class=ReadyToBeRemoved' then I could filter it out by script (not most beautifull option but could work) Thanks in advance! Regards, Gert PS: Div code: <div style="position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; "> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="empty-cells: show; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse;"> <tr valign="top" style="height:0"> <td style="width:550px"></td> </tr> <tr valign="top" style="height:52px"> <td style="pointer-events: auto; "> </td> </tr> </table> </div>
  9. I know this from Jaspersoft Studio: You can define the tab-width in pixels. But i'ts only ony text-field level (and you have to define it either each textfield, or start with one and copy that one;). You go click on: TextfieldMenu "Test Field"Scroll down and under heading "Paragraph" you find Tab Stop Width Hope it helps you!
  10. PS. I am actually using Japsersoft Studio (which is the replacer for iReport designer). Hope it has the same functionality and otherwise I would strongly recommend upgrading!
  11. I think there is, but what's your question? I'd recommend reading the 'Ultimate programming guide' which gives you a lot of information about Datasources (and a lot more actually)! Her's a link to the guide: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/JasperReports-Ultimate-Guide-3.pdf
  12. I think there is a solution to this problem: First of all: it seems like it's working fine on all other pages (and footers) you have in the report is that correct? If that;s true there's an easy way to fix this: Click next to a band on the grey background. In properties you go to 'Report' section. You then unselect 'Title On A New Page' and it'll probable work already.If you don't have a footer yet, you can add one in the 'outline' menu. In case you als have a colum header (which is also shown on the title page)and you don't want that, then you go to band->properties -> print when and insert: '$V{PAGE_NUMBER} != 1
  13. Maybe a stupid question, but did you test your SQL query (in some SQL workbench or so)? To be sure it's not yoru Query/resultset that's the problem. I use this situation and it works for me. If above is not the problem, it's like hozawa sais: dificult to answer withou report and input conrtols.
  14. Do the triangles containt variables? E.a. does it containt text or content that can change dynamically?
  15. HI Matthias, Two questions that may clarify your question for me: * Should this footer be specific for the title band? * If there are more then 2,3 rows, would you like to display only the first 2/3? Or do you want the whole thing (e.a. 10000 rows) to be on the first page?
  16. Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Resolved Hi Guys,Thanks a lot that worked great! Maybe an idea to write this into on of the guides you provide? And do you know why it doesn't work when I add the font.jar in the webinterface to a specific project? That does work with other JAR's I manually make (with JAVA in it). Same principle with jasperreport_extensions.propertie etc.Have a great day, this solution helped mine:)!Regards, Gert
  17. Hi Teodor, Thanks a lot for you reply. It wasn't since today that I've tested it all. Installing a font on the machine itself seems to work (which is not the prefered way, since 1 migration would mess it all up). So I did what you suggested, and spend some time on the font extension wizard (I think you meant the wizard which let you select some TTF's for example and turn them into a JAR with a jasperreports_extions.properties file and a fonts.xml file). This works great and after using the wizard, it's useable within the workspace (local) on my PC. But what should I do with that JAR file to enable the jasperserver to use that font? I've tried and searched this whole morning on what to do but I can't find anything. A.e. I tried adding it as resource to a report on the server, or as a font etc. Thanks a lot for your help, looking forward for more :)! Regards, Gert
  18. I don't know if it works, but can you download version 6 for studio? Your version is outdated. Good luck.
  19. Hi bartv2000, No problem, glad to be helpful.Can you mark this answer as solution/ this topic as answered? Regards,
  20. I think you gave the answer yourself, you said ' Parameter_1 is defined as as java.lang.String' and the error sais: ' Invalid type java.lang.String for P1 (..) value must be an array or a collection.' Can you try to change you parameterer type (can be found in properties of your param) to 'java.util.ArrayList' or 'java.util.Collection'. That should work, and if you only use Strings in the array/collection, you can define 'Nested subtype' to 'java.lang.String' so you don't have to define the type as well on each object. Can you let me know if it worked?
  21. gert_1

    APK Mama

    Changed Severity from Critical to Block Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 As declared in the title: Still happening with 6.0.0 final which I downloaded minutes ago
  22. No problem, you're welcome! Would you please mark this as answered?
  23. I think it is possible (will test it later on): When you go to the report in JasperSoft Studio and go to the report properties -> Select on "When No Data Type" "No Data Section" instead of "No Pages". After that, you add the band "No Data" and can enter any message you want to be shown when the report is empty.
  24. I think it is possible (will test it later on): When you go to the report in JasperSoft Studio and go to the report properties -> Select on "When No Data Type" "No Data Section" instead of "No Pages". After that, you add the band "No Data" and can enter any message you want to be shown when the report is empty.
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