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  1. Finally I have the answer - the problem is that Jasper does not work correctly with column names, that contain spaces. Since I removed all spaces from column names (and capital letters as well, but not sure they had an impact on the problem), everything works fine. Hope it will help someone.
  2. Hello all! I have AWS installation of Jasperserver. Behind that I have a postgres DB, hosted separately in AWS. I access Postgres DB using JDBC driver with master user credntials. The connection test is OK, I also can create data domain with no problems. Then I try to create ad hoc view, When I'm trying to add fields from data domain to view, i see the error "An error occured while performing previous request." The error occures for 7 fields out of 9; 2 fields can be added with no issues. I noticed, that for problem fileds I can not change in the Data Domain properties -> the Display tab -> data properties from Dimansion to Measure. Particular data domain is based on a simple table (not views, no prcedures e.t.c.) Any ideas where the problem can be? KR, Dmitry
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