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Everything posted by rafkacz1

  1. I use Jasper Server v 5.5.0. This is the JSON structure send with POST data to reportExecutions serive { "$id": "1", "reportUnitUri": "/reports/test/testReport", "async": true, "freshData": true, "saveDataSnapshot": false, "outputFormat": "html", "interactive": false, "ignorePagination": false, "pages": null, "parameters": null, "attachmentsPrefix": "attachments2" } The additional "id" field is generated automatically by json serializer - but i think it is not a problem.
  2. Hi, I've a problem with html output export using rest_v2 service. In reportExecutionRequest structure i try to set attachmentsPrefix but with no result. Generated output html file still uses default attachment location : <img src="/jasperserver/rest_v2/reportExecutions/105352832_1406503405410_76/exports/html/attachments/img_0_9_0" style="height: 300px" alt="" title="Meter Chart"/> It makes viewing report output in offline mode impossible... Is there any way to change it? Regards Rafał
  3. Hi, I've just succesfully get JSON reportExecutionRequest structure send. You are rigth - there are no good examples for JSON - but it is possible to decompile jar files and see class definitions used by server.... {"reportUnitUri":"/reports/fait/pracownicy","async":true,"freshData":true,"saveDataSnapshot":false,"outputFormat":"pdf","interactive":false,"ignorePagination":true,"pages":null,"parameters":{"reportParameter":[{"name":"Parameter1","value":["a"]}]}} C# wrapper class of it: public class ReportParameter { public String name { get; set; } public List<String> value { get; set; } } public class ReportParameters { public List<ReportParameter> reportParameter { get; set; } } public class reportExecutionRequest { public string reportUnitUri { get; set; } public bool async { get; set; } public bool freshData { get; set; } public bool saveDataSnapshot { get; set; } public string outputFormat { get; set; } public bool interactive { get; set; } public bool ignorePagination { get; set; } public string pages { get; set; } //1-5 public ReportParameters parameters { get; set; } } Regards, Rafal
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