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Everything posted by vachon

  1. I got futher. I calulated age and then compared that using an If. Then I used a CountIf summary. I will report back if this worked
  2. I have tried many many options (including putting it in a derived table, but then I cant have a join), this is the current one: (Year(Today(0)) - "yob" >= 13) AND (Year(Today(0)) - "yob" <= 17) Important to note, our data team actually has YOB as a int, not as a datetime or timestamp
  3. I'm trying to get a caluclated measure to bucket ages (e.g. 13-17, 18-24, etc). I get the buckets to work as they return true or false when drilling into the crosstab, yet the values seem far off and the values across buckets are identical. I'm guessing its not counting the number of boolean "true", but all booleans regardless of their value. Anyone gotten this to work?
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