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Everything posted by michael.kolowicz

  1. I have a long list of name (Firstname and Lastname). Beetwen this names is a ", " for easy reading. The list of names is different long. Sometimes 3 oder 4 name - from time to time it can be that we have 20 name in the list. Exampel: John Doe, Jane Doe, Peter Pan, Paul Peter Now i have a textfield. When the list is so long, that it not fit in one line, then splitet in two or more lines. That it fine - but sometime it split in the name - not at the end of the name (the end of the Name is the ,) The result is : John Doe, Jane Doe, Peter Pan, Paul Peter How can i configure that the wrapping to next line is only when a "," is the last charater What I want: John Doe, Jane Doe, Peter Pan, Paul Peter
  2. Hello, I using iReport 5.6 and want a average Field in my Group-Footer. The Values of the Fields are integer. But in the average I need a Decimal. So is the summary 25 of 56 positions. The result shoulb be 0,44. But in my report where I put the field on the footer and select "Average" only show "0.00" How can I see the "real" Average? Thanks
  3. The Feature what I need is to visualise the input controls. I didn´t want create vor every report a own part in my WPF-Application (.NET technologie) I didn´t use the commecial version, so I didn´t have the possibility with Visualize.js Thanks for your comment anyway
  4. I have create a wrapper for using Japser Server Reports in my own .NET application. The wrapper get the report via getWSClient. My goal is to show the server input controls in my application to select the paramters of the report. It works fine until I have input controls they query data. Then the list of possible entries still empty. My wrapper (a java-class) is following to determine the input controls: // Hier geht es um die Verwendung der InputControls int parametersCount = 0; logger.info("Open report definition on server"); List<ResourceDescriptor> iCtls = new ArrayList<ResourceDescriptor>(); List list = rpt.getChildren(); for (iCounter = 0; iCounter < list.size(); ++iCounter) { ResourceDescriptor rd = (ResourceDescriptor) list.get(iCounter); if (rd.getWsType() .equals(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_INPUT_CONTROL)) { parametersCount ++; // Umschreiben der ServerDataSource auf eine lokale DataSource, wenn es sich um eine // Query handelt List icList = rd.getChildren(); for (icCounter = 0; icCounter < icList.size(); ++icCounter) { // MISSING PART TO GET DATA TO THE CONTROLL } // Hinzufügen in die Liste der InputControls iCtls.add(rd); } }[/code]After this code i open it ReportUnitRunDialog of the iReport-Source to bring up a dialog with the control ReportUnitRunDialog dlg = new ReportUnitRunDialog(frame, true); dlg.setInputControls(iCtls); dlg.setVisible(true);[/code]If the user select the parameters then i open the report with the selected values // Hinzufügen der InputControls zu den Parametern Map<String, Object> params = dlg.getParametersValues(); for (ResourceDescriptor rd : iCtls) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : params.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() == rd.getName()) { reportData.parameters.put(rd.getName(), entry .getValue().toString()); logger.debug("Users Input : " + rd.getName() + " = " + entry.getValue().toString()); } } }[/code]All this works fine - but I only need the missing part to fill the InputControl with the correct data. A possible Idea is that my application set the properties of the connection to a ???-Object and put into the input control. Or another way could be that the wrapper try to get the needed data (I found helpfull properties like PROP_REFERENCE_URI (the link to the DataSource on server) and PROP_QUERY (the Query that be used from the inputontrol to get data)
  5. I want to integrate a web browser control to navigate to my jasper server reports. That is needed wile a don´t want to define the input controls twice: once on the server and once when i want to open the report in my application. So I use the .NET Web browser control in Visual Studio 2013 WinForms-Application. The navigation to the report works fine. My problem is: Print the selected report. If I use the build in ".ShowPrintDialog"-Method of the web browser control than print it as a webpage. When I want to use the "Save as"-Button of the jasper page then open a new empty Browser page with error: "The session is finished ....:" If I open the report with "&output=pdf" then they ask me for the parameters. But when I select them then the "Waiting ...." starts and not finished. I have installed Acrobat Reader 11.0.10 and IE 11 on Windows 7 64bit I hope someone can give me a small hint to solve that problem Here are examples of my used URLs: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=%2FDevelopment%2FReports%2FReportWithInputControl http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=%2FDevelopment%2FReports%2FReportWithInputControl&output=pdf The described behavior is with JasperServer 5.6 With JasperServer 6.0.1 i have the same behavior - until I add "&output=pdf". Then no Input-Controls will shown and the Acrobat-ActiveX bring up a blank small "paper" I hope someone can help me to find the way for using the Input Controls they define on server to show in my onw application
  6. My goal is, generate a Popup to input the dynamic cascading parameters of a report there stored on JRS. A possible way could be using the same logic from iReport-Server Plugin. My state is following: ResourceDescriptor rpt = new ResourceDescriptor(); rpt.setWsType(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT); rpt.setUriString(reportData.reporturi); int parametersCount = 0; List<ResourceDescriptor> iCtls = new ArrayList<ResourceDescriptor>(); List list = rpt.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { ResourceDescriptor rd = (ResourceDescriptor) list.get(i); if (rd.getWsType().equals( ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_INPUT_CONTROL)) { parametersCount++; iCtls.add(rd); } } ReportUnitRunDialog dlg = new ReportUnitRunDialog(frame, true); dlg.setInputControls(iCtls); dlg.setVisible(true);[/code]How can I get the informations for the used input controls in the report? The code show me no input controls? In the report is one Input control defined
  7. I have following code snippet: ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor(); rd.setWsType(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT); rd.setUriString(reportData.reporturi); jasperPrint = server.getWSClient().runReport(rd, reportData.params); // Vorschau anzeigen if (reportData.preview!=false) { // isExitOnClose = wenn die Vorschau geschlossen wird, dann wird die // Anwendung beendet (JVM geschlossen) JasperViewer.viewReport(jasperPrint, false); }[/code]I open a report from my JasperReport Server. If the reports have no paramters, they work fine. Now I want to open a report with input controls. But i have not found via google a working sample that show the paramters-dialog and then run the report. How can I do it?
  8. I have meanwhile create a working Proof-of-Concept version of my requirements My last needed part is following: On JSR i use input control to ask the user for paramters. My Client is using ....getWSClient().runReport().... to get the report filled with data. How can I show the Input controls on the client so that the user can select them? BTW: I using sometimes cascading paramters in the report.
  9. I need a sugestion for the best practice - I hope you can help me. I want to develop a .NET Windows Application. All reports should be created by the JasperReports Server (I need cascading paramters and some more features from the server). I have 2 scenarios: 1) The user should be able to select a report and then open it in the application (no change to webbrowser and type in the JRS location), fill out the paramters, see a preview of the report and then selct print to printer or pdf 2) The user should press a button on the UI. In background a specified report will be opend with paramters that the UI selected and print directly to a printer that are in the settings of the applications is stored. Is it possible to do that? Is there a JasperReports Viewer Control available for .NET? Thanks for your response
  10. I have installed JasperReports Server to manage all the reports of my different applications. All my applications have a own subdirectory with datasources, resources and reports on JRS. Now I want to deploy the reports to a customer. They use only ONE of my application - so i only need one directory with all subitems What i the best way to deploy Reports von Server to Server - where can I find a fine soulution and description. Is it possible to "extract" some files to a ZIP and import them on a different server? Thanks for this important help
  11. Hello, I´m a beginner of using JR. Last week I want to start to do some examples on my fresh installed server (Windows 7 x64 - German, MS SQL 2012 Express, JasperReports Server 5.6.0). My prior reports with iReport I have designed with using jdts-1.3.1 (can connect fine to MSSQL2012). Now I try to implement the jdts in my driver-selection of the data source management page. I have copy jdts-1.3.1 in the folder c:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-cp-5.6.0apache-tomcatlib. Then I want to create a Data Source but the Driverlist show me the jdts as "NOT INSTALLED". What step I have forget? What is the right way to implement the jdts as JDBC-Driver? Thanks Michael
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