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  1. We have community version of Jasper Server 5.6 and hyperlinks (to drill down report) working on PC version Google Chrome but not working at mobile version of this browser. Hyperlinks are fields in table. Any idea how to fix this problem? Thanks. And also JasperMobile 1.8 not working with our server (5.6 community and also pro version) -> after run report it shows blank report, but after save for example as PDF or HTML and open it report is right.
  2. I have table with group by type and state. When I use interactiv table ordering by some column then table is order by this column but groups are not together already. I want have groups always together and data order only within groups. How can I set this type of grouping/sorting -> groups are always together ?
  3. Is that any way to zoom report and filters by pinch zoom(with fingers) when I open Jasper Server (v 5.6.0 pro) report via web browser (Google Chrome) on Android? ... I want zoom like Ctrl+ / Ctrl- on desktop browser.
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