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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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  1. I have a chart (column) on my report. I integerated my report using visualize.js. Randomly report generated, but columns / bar wont, I have to deselect and select the legend and then graph appears.
  2. I incorporated multiple reports (drill down reports) in the application using visualize.js. Randomly my request keep in pending state for unlimited time, and no event raised. sample url below: http://localhost/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/reportExecutions/55ed8dd9-bf29-4c57-8546-92ca03b179f5/exports/eef60cd0-d84f-49cc-a882-99b86df3fccf/outputResource
  3. It solved now. I manually read the jrxml file and delete the hyperlinke code. After that it started working. Thanks for your support.
  4. When I incorporating tablular / crosstab reprort, it is working fine but when I change the report with HighCharts, it gives me error "highchartsOptions is not defined"
  5. I created a report with an Input Control for parameter "DateRange" with "DAY-1" as default. I wrote the below code to access the report from past e.g. for 1st July. It is not giving any error, however it always displayed the report for "DAY-1". Pleaes do let me know, how I can I customize on the basis of Date. var report = v.report({ resource: "/public/Performance_Report", container: "#container", params: { "DateRange": ["2014-07-01 00:00:00"] }, //{ "DateRange": ["2014-07-01"] }, error: function (err) { alert("Visualize JS error: " + err.message); }
  6. I created an html page having same code in the introductory video of visualize.js. It is working fine in latest version of chrome and firefox. It is giving authentication error in safari and "Object doesn't support this property or method visualize.js, line 67 character 13795" in IE8. Thanks in advance for the cooperation.
  7. I tried to create a domain with 5 tables and one derived table. Whenever I tried to add some specific fields (three fields from one table), it gives me below error. When it allows me to add the table, why it is not allowing me to add these three columns.
  8. I created a domain and it is working fine. Now I want to create another schema based on first. I exported the schema and whenever I tried to upload the schema, I am getting below error.
  9. I have a table and a calculated fields based on two columns Score and Total. My calculated field Percentage equals to Score / Total. Now when I use it in the result display is "0.00" instead of 87.5. As it is dividing first and than sum, while I need sum the column first and than divide. I tried percentage as SUM(Score) / Sum (total). But when I put it for display, it gives me dataset error. Thanks in advance for the help. ScoreTotal500080300050600030
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