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Everything posted by shevarerahul

  1. Sir, Firstly thanks for response. I will try to set end of life, But I will confuse where to set end of life? I will check on different browser, but not work(same as it is). . Sir please help me I have develop other reports majorly in Ireport. My main issue only in Group Header and Footer. I am waiting
  2. Sir, Firstly thanks to give answer of my question. I will explain now my query result: Type Amount EARNINGS 200 EARNINGS 100 EARNINGS 50 DEDUCTIONS 10 DEDUCTIONS 20 In ireport designer show me details like : Earnings : Group Header 200 100 50 Total : 350 : Group Footer Deductions : Group Header 10 20 Total : 30 : Group Footer In design it will show ok. Now in my yii framwework I will use ireport extension in which contain tcpdf php class folder for convert report into .pdf and their version is 5.0.002. When i will give call as like : http://localhost/HRMgnt/index.php?r=Mstpayroll/Salaryslip address then it will call report and show me result as like : Earnings : Group Header 200 100 50 Total : 10 20 Total : only one time group header enable and show me Earnings but next group can't make with Deductions and can't show me sum of field values in group footer. I will make following try's 1. check on other browser's but show me same result. 2. I have make a try to change tcpdf version with new but I am confusing at upload time. Please give me suggestion.
  3. First, Thanks sir for giving response. I will check now extension of ireport in my yii framework. After checking I will give you detail.I have tested on diffrent browser but not solved taht issue.
  4. I have major problem i cant view Group Header values and Group Total values when I will call report from browser in yii, design time of ireport it will show ok. I any idea then tell me. Thank hopefully.
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