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Everything posted by asimkin

  1. Please review the article below http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-configure-jasperreports-server-send-e-mails-gmail-mail-account Note, that the protocol must be smtps in both jasperserver-proWEB-INFjs.quartz.properties and jasperserver-proWEB-INFapplicationContext-report-scheduling.xml files
  2. Hi, I used JasperReports Server REST_v2 web-service to test your scenario and to pass required organization name as a parameter. So, what I did: In Jaspersoft Studio create new data adapter using 'XML document' type and specify JasperReports Server REST organizations service URL for File field and select 'Use the report Xpath expression when filling the report' option: http://localhost:8090/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/organizations?j_username=superuser&j_password=superuser Create a new report using the new dataadapter with Xpath expression: /organizations/organization Run the report to verify how it works. It should return all existing organizations in JasperReports Server Create a new parameter with java.lang.String type, for example p_org, and then modify Xpath expression to /organizations/organization[id=$P{p_org}] Run the report, enter organization_1 as the parameter value. The report returns 1 record for organization_1 Here you can find a short summary how to use Xpath expression to filter data: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_xpath.asp Hope this help you to implement your task
  3. The main purpose of this article is to provide a sample of custom ad-hoc template to display logo/image in generated ad-hoc report in JasperReports Server v.5.5 + As mentioned in JasperReports Server Admin guide, JasperReports Server5.5 introduced Ad Hoc templates and report generators. Ad Hoc templates are JRXML files in the repository that define the format for reports generated from Ad Hoc views: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v550/configuring-ad-hoc#Templates_and_Generators Attached are 2 custom ad-hoc templates based on 'Actual Size' template (/public/templates/actual_size.510.jrxml) which shipes with JasperReports Server. The first custom template (logo_in_title.jrxml) displays an image from repository in report Title band. The following code added to the end of the template: <title> <band height="51"> <image> <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="551" height="51"/> <imageExpression> <![CDATA["repo:/public/Samples/Resources/Images/Jaspersoft_logo.png"]]> </imageExpression> </image> </band></title>[/code]With this template, Title band definition 'overrides' the default one and as a result, ad-hoc Title defined in ad-hoc designer is lost If you need to display ad-hoc view title in the report, the logo can de displayed in report's pageHeader band as implemented in the second template (logo_in_pageHeader.jrxml): <pageHeader> <band height="51"> <image> <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="551" height="51"/> <imageExpression> <![CDATA["repo:/public/Samples/Resources/Images/Jaspersoft_logo.png"]]> </imageExpression> </image> </band></pageHeader>[/code]Below is the template applying result: In order to use the custom templates, they have to be upload to JasperReports Server repository, Public > Templates folder. UPDATE: in case of using Ad Hoc View with Chart, additonal steps should be done, please review the article below: How to Change the Default Band Used for Ad Hoc Chart Reports from 'Title' to 'Summary'? CS #62621
  4. Hi, role_name is the column name in a table, you should replace it with your column. LoggedInUserRoles built-i parameter is a collection that contains a list of roles of logged in user (a a user can belongs to multiple roles).
  5. I think you can simply use LoggedInUserRoles builtin parameter in report query: select * from table where $X{IN, role_name, LoggedInUserRoles}
  6. Hi, it seems that the report main query does not return data. That is why you get empty document. Try to specify a dummy SQL for the report main query or setup When No Data Type report property to 'All Sections No Detail'
  7. JSFiddle examples below may help you: Disable autoresize and resize report manually - http://jsfiddle.net/6c8mu5my/15/ Fit report to container - http://jsfiddle.net/NesterOne/7ChRr/ You may need to change URL in the second example.
  8. Hi, try adding net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.interactive=false property to WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties file
  9. Not sure if the question is still actual, but just in case - you can find required password in WEB-INFclassesesapisecurity-config.properties file keystore.password parameter
  10. Question:In JasperReports Server v.6.0 new Dashboard Designer was introduced. It's side-bar has Existing Content section that display availavle reports and ad-hoc view in List View mode by default. The question is How to customize the side-bar to display reports and ad-hoc views in Folder View mode by default. Answer:NOTE: The solution requires a JavaScript file modification so make sure to backup the origin file metioned below Side-bar default behaviour is coded within javascript file: webappsjasperserver-proscriptsbower_componentsbi-dashboardsrcdashboardviewdesignerSidebarView.js[/code]Lines 349-351 defines Dashboard side-bar look and behaviour. In order to display Folder List by default you should modify the script by moving primary: true option from LIST to FOLDER tab change from tabs: [ { action: VIEW_TYPES.LIST, content: this.libraryView, primary: true, label: VIEW_TYPES.LIST, hidden: true }, { action: VIEW_TYPES.FOLDERS, content: this.existingContentTreeView, label: VIEW_TYPES.FOLDERS, hidden: true } ],[/code]to tabs: [ { action: VIEW_TYPES.LIST, content: this.libraryView, label: VIEW_TYPES.LIST, hidden: true }, { action: VIEW_TYPES.FOLDERS, content: this.existingContentTreeView, primary: true, label: VIEW_TYPES.FOLDERS, hidden: true } ],[/code]You may also want to have Folder List option selected by default in the menu. To achieve this, you should move "default": true option from LIST to FOLDERS: change from menuOptions: [ { label: i18n["dashboard.sidebar.existing.content.list.view"], groupId: GROUP_IDS.VIEW, action: VIEW_TYPES.LIST, "default": true }, { label: i18n["dashboard.sidebar.existing.content.folder.view"], groupId: GROUP_IDS.VIEW, action: VIEW_TYPES.FOLDERS },[/code]to menuOptions: [ { label: i18n["dashboard.sidebar.existing.content.list.view"], groupId: GROUP_IDS.VIEW, action: VIEW_TYPES.LIST }, { label: i18n["dashboard.sidebar.existing.content.folder.view"], groupId: GROUP_IDS.VIEW, action: VIEW_TYPES.FOLDERS, "default": true },[/code]Since v.5.6 JasperReports Server uses optimized javascript files. The script located within webappsjasperserver-prooptimized-scripts folder. By default, using optimized scripts is enabled and the modified version of the script will not be loaded. In order to apply the changes you have to optimize modified scripts per JasperReports Server Ultimate Guide Make sure to clear browser cache after you make the changes. Ref. Case #00056550
  11. Unfortunately, HTML5 Pie chart has no built-in properties to limit the number of slices. You can try the following solution: - create a report variable that calculates summary value (Countries freight for sample Orders table) - add Chart Category expression to group countries with percentage value less than a fixed value (to say less than 5% of total summary value) to Others slice: IF((SUM($F{FREIGHT})/$V{V_TOTAL})>0.05,$F{SHIPCOUNTRY},"Others")
  12. Hi, JasperReports Server stores users and roles information in its own database - repository. It is possible to configure JasperReports Server to use exteral authentication (LDAP, CAS, external database). You can find more details in 'JasperReports Server Authentication cookbook' https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/introduction
  13. Hi, it looks like using Scriptlet with the report may help you to implement your requirements. A scriptlet is a Java class used to execute special elaborations during report generation. A scriptlet exposes a set of methods that are invoked by the reporting engine when a particular event occurs, such as the creation of a new page or the end of processing a detail row. You should use beforeReportInit() method to call the Oracle PL/SQL code before report initialization. You can find more information about scriptlets in iReport Ultimate Guide http://community.jaspersoft.com/system/files/documentation/ireport-ultimate-guide.pdf Also, there is a great external article http://www.tutorialspoint.com/jasper_reports/jasper_report_scriptlets.htm
  14. Question:How to customize View > Search Results Filters page to remove certain filter options on a per-role basis, for example to remove Schedule filters from everyone except for ROLE_SUPERUSER. Answer:NOTE: The solution requires config files modifications so make sure to backup the origin files metioned below Edit WEB-INFjs.spring.properties by adding the line bean.scheduleFilter.SuperUserRoleAccessList=SuperUserRoleAccessList[/code]into #For SchedulerFilter and its options section, ~line 220 Edit WEB-INFapplicationContext-search-pro.xml file by adding the lines <util:list id="SuperUserRoleAccessList"> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.ji.search.common.ProRoleAccess"> <property name="roleName" value="ROLE_SUPERUSER"/> <property name="tenantId"> <null/> </property> </bean></util:list>[/code]somewhere after <util:list id="proRoleAccessListDefault"> list, ~line 30 Edit applicationContext-search.xml file, locate line <property name="roleAccessList" ref="${bean.scheduleFilter.RoleAccessList}"/>[/code]~ 316 line no and modify it to <property name="roleAccessList" ref="${bean.scheduleFilter.SuperUserRoleAccessList}"/>[/code]Save the changes and re-start JasperReports Server. By these steps you create a new list of roles that should have access to Scheduled Filters and specify the list in Scheduled filters settings. Ref. Case #00052797
  15. Hi Abhi, generally, you can modify Expression property for 'Text Field' element that prints required field, something like this: IF($F{field_name}<0,0,$F{field_name})
  16. Hi, if I've got your requirements correctly, you should add 2 parameters to the report to filter data as described in the article below: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-report-parameters-jaspersoft-studio Then, when you publish the report to a JasperReports Server, input controls will be automatically generated to filter the report data
  17. Hi, you may find useful the article below regarding session timeouts in JasperReports Server: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/timeouts-jasperreports-server
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