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Everything posted by jf

  1. We are currently running JasperSoft 6.4.2 hourly on AWS and when we upgrade to 7.1 we get errors after data import. These are the errors we experience in 7.1: ``` Previously (6.4.2) we used this expression to load images: "/organizations/organization_1/Resources/Images/" + $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}.getCatalog() + "_logo.png" but it doesn't work any more and we get this error: (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Byte data not found) in order to solve the issue we change the expression to "repo:" + $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}.getCatalog() + "_logo.png, uploaded the images as resource for each report and then it works. ``` This is how ever not a viable solution as it is extremely time consuming. Any solution to this? Thank you
  2. There is an error on AWS marketplace where m3 instances are deprecated (and replaced by m5 instances) but this is not yet reflected in the settings on Jaspersoft. AWS support is fixing the error.
  3. I'm trying to activate "TIBCO Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (Hourly)" on an m3.medium instance. Even if I choose this the instance is always updated to m4.large (at almost double the price!) before I can launch. How do I launch with an m3.medium instance?
  4. Really? Nobody in the history of JasperSoft have ever used a schedule? Thx
  5. Thank you hozawa. A report is precisely what I want (alternatively a dashboard with drill down to underlying content). I want to show data in a schedule, *not* produce a GUI for handling the data. Hope that clarifies my intentions.
  6. I have searched for a solution to make a weekly schedule in either a report or preferably a dashboard but to absolutely no avail. I have looked at D3 but it doesn't have anything like the Google Calendar style view without producing it from scratch. The schedule should show timeslots off-set by the exact start and end time and should also scale to two or more coloumns per day when there are mutliple areas for individual or separate timeslots. From Google ;) ..or
  7. We exported all parts individually and manually fixed the remaining details. I hope the next version will be back on track according to upgrading by exporting/importing everything (or even better by just clicking 'upgrade' even on AWS which would also enable users to sign up for a yearly deal instead of the more expensive hourly!)
  8. Thank you for your reply. I have done this export-import on every upgrade since 5.6 without any issues. I have also tried different settings on the export and on the AMI without success. As I'm on the AWS AMI I don't have control over the server. I might have to manually move/copy everything from 6.1 to 6.2
  9. When trying to migrate from AWS AMI Jasper 6.1 to a new instance with 6.2 I get an error when trying to import the data: "Import failed. The server has encountered an unexpected error." Any suggestions?
  10. The only available version on AWS is still 5.6 today 17th January 2015. When will 6.0 be available?
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