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  1. I have a need to use a oracel wallet for security reasons going forward with Jaspersoft. I have tried the following and got the results mentioned from each attempt. I am using ojdbc6- as my only class driver jdbc:oracle:thin: [this for each below with no username or password] /@MY_WALLET (Unknown host) /@MY_WALLET:1521 (Unknown host) /@MY_WALLET:1521:PROD (The Network Adapter could not establish the connection) asdf (The Network Adapter could not establish the connection, asdf doesn't actually exist and was done to show what would happen when pointing to something which doesn't exist) The wallet works in my java servlets, and of course in sqlplus strings. I have not tried new drivers but I did find this source suggesting specific drivers to try for java oracle thin clients to try. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7634196/what-is-correct-jdbc-url-syntax-if-oracle-wallets-are-used
  2. I am going to use rounded numbers here to make this easier to understand. Master report (1000 x 1000)px including margins, detail panel only with usable 800 x 800 px area. Free layout Subreport at 0 0, 800 x 1px. Float. Details panel only. No margins report 800 x 799 px. Details panel only. No margins Here is the issue. Run master report and you end up with an extra page at the end of the report. If you resize the Subreport to 800 x 799 to match the contained report the extra page isn't there. If you set Subreport to height of 0 it creates the extra page as well. If you nest the sub report in another sub report before placing it in the master report there is still an extra page I have tried many of the "fixes" I have found on the forums including this odd one http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/826394/problem-sub-reports-new-page I ended up with the same count of pages, with extras at end, only they were miles long. As you have likely deduced I need a way to include many sub reports on one master report. Currently I have a master report at letter size profile with 1" margins less the bottom which is .5". This contains page1 which is a full cover page but only takes up 500px and page2 which is a contacts page containing two other subreports and takes up 40px Is there a definitive process for doing this where the master report can contain a series of subreports of limited height so they will all fit in the band margins?
  3. Currently I have studio downloaded and created two reports which consume a dynamic parameter. I want to combine these into one report (I assume with the api) and then access it via a rest like service. Example of what I mean: 1) Create two reports and save as *whatever*.jsxml with parameter "params" 2) Test both reports with "Is for prompting" checked then disable said feature. 3) Create service using API which is passed a parameter via URL string 4) Feed parameter from service to Jaspersoft Java API calling previous reports and combining them into one. 5) Test by calling URL string of service and pass parameter 6) Service should prompt user to download created report in set format (possibly also passed via service parameters) Right now I have the reports created. Do I just need to use the Jaspersoft API only to create the service or do I need it and Server? I have a tomcat7 install serving out Java Web Services right now. I am assuming I can create a war file with the given JasperSoft API and include the report jsxml files referenced to do this. Let me know if I am going in the right direction with this or help steer me straight.
  4. My PM gave me this list of desired features and work flow. 1) Create the initial report template(s) via a WYSIWYG editor. ) note) the report will feature 7 unique pages with dissimilar content which could expand several pages each less the cover page. 2) Call the report-service through a URL string that includes a variable like, ”QUOTE_ID=32” or using API. 3) The variable QUOTE_ID=32 would be populated in the report’s SQL statement(s). a. Ex: SELECT COLUMN_1 FROM TABLE_1 WHERE QUOTE_ID=32; 4) The report would run allow the user to download a pdf.
  5. Attempt two as it seems my first question was removed or didn't go through. My company is trying to streamline reports by automatically generating them when given a unique identifier. These reports are a minimal of 7 pages and each page is unique. I will refer to these as templates. Some of these templates can repeat but they will always be grouped before moving to the next section in the report. We would also like to know if it is possible to inject images into these reports as well. We imagine this would function as a java web service or something similar where we can pass the unique identifier and then wait for the report to download and or display. If someone could inform me if it is possible to do this and where in the documenation I can look to test the feature ourselves we would appreciate it.
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