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Everything posted by tomkast_1

  1. I tried TD idea of using "clip" and a big enough element to accomodate all possible images... ...but i still see images coming out bigger. more specifically, with ireports 3.6.1, and a jpeg that has a width of 281 px, 72 dpi, the html export has an image tag with a width of 496 px. the image in the html export is ok/still 281 px width, but the tag is stretching it to make it bigger. all i need is for the image size to remain unchanged and supporting dynamic images.... ?? any help appreciated much.
  2. I tried TD idea of using "clip" and a big enough element to accomodate all possible images... ...but i still see images coming out bigger. more specifically, with ireports 3.6.1, and a jpeg that has a width of 281 px, 72 dpi, the html export has an image tag with a width of 496 px. the image in the html export is ok/still 281 px width, but the tag is stretching it to make it bigger. all i need is for the image size to remain unchanged and supporting dynamic images.... ?? any help appreciated much.
  3. I have the same problem. This was posted critical 3 years ago and no answers -- that is rough )))
  4. i am able to set a variable for the last page but only at "report" evaluation time. it seems that all printWhenExpression 's are evaluated "now". is there any other way to hide a page header on the last page of a report (similar to the way last page footer hides the page footer on the last page of the report)? if not, i will have to make the last page a separate report and use itest to join the pdf byte[]'s say it ain't so?
  5. so there is no way to make a page header band not print on the last page? my assumption is that last page can only be known on the last page and "print when" from page header band can not be delayed based on what you wrote .... ((
  6. I need to hide the page header band on the last page and I am facing this same problem. in this example, you see that the variable value changes as expected with evalaution time of page. but the printWhen for the band and for fields is not effected. Any ideas?: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> select * from users ]]></fieldDescription></p><p> </field></p><p> <pageHeader></p><p> <band height="23" splitType="Stretch"></p><p> <textField evaluationTime="Page"></p><p> <reportElement x="120" y="0" width="238" height="20"></p><p> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[!$V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}</p><p> .get("LastPageNumber")) "please don't print on last page - page header" "last page variable is: " + $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}</p><p> .get("LastPageNumber")) "Page header" "last page variable is: " + $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}</p><p> .get("LastPageNumber")) $F{userName} !$V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}</p><p> .get("LastPageNumber")) "please don't print on last page - detail" new Boolean($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.put("LastPageNumber",</p><p> $V{PAGE_NUMBER})) "last page variable is: " + $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}</p><p> .get("LastPageNumber"))
  7. hey there, long time )), i am about to tackle this with 3.6.1 should i take the same approach as 5.5.2 sample here http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/genericelement/index.html ?
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